Firstly thank you for your splendid work! I'm really interested in your imporvement about bilinear pooling. In my opinion, bilinear pooling could be seemed as a feature fusion method, but when I read your code I found the class FBC has only one input, thus I want to learn the way to implement your method when trying to fusion features from two different modals.
In my opinion, Linear_data_proj_k and Linear_data_proj2_k could have different inputs from two modalities, I just want to make sure that my thoughts are right:)
Hello! Firstly thank you for your splendid work! I'm really interested in your imporvement about bilinear pooling. In my opinion, bilinear pooling could be seemed as a feature fusion method, but when I read your code I found the class FBC has only one input, thus I want to learn the way to implement your method when trying to fusion features from two different modals.