Impute the summary data by LD
3754019 SNPs in common between GWAS summary and LD
428984 SNPs set from summary data
3325035 SNPs flipped alleles
3754019 SNPs are typed SNPs
Start summary imputation...
Read error (m)
Error in impGa(info$template, idxBlk, info$type, ma_exist$z, idxtt, m, :
c++ exception (unknown reason)
Could you please help identify what the issue could be?
I'm running the following code from Rstudio:
for (pheno in c("test")) { ma_file=paste0("~/data/dms-gwas/sumstats/Biomarkers/", pheno, "/", pheno, "_sumstats_COJO.tsv")
out_prefix=paste0("~/data/dms-gwas/data/prs/SBayesRC/sbayesrcprs", pheno)
SBayesRC::tidy(mafile=ma_file, LDdir=ld_folder, output=paste0(out_prefix, ""), log2file=TRUE)
SBayesRC::impute(mafile=paste0(out_prefix, ""), LDdir=ld_folder, output=paste0(out_prefix, ""), log2file=TRUE) }
and get this error:
Impute the summary data by LD |--------------------------------------------------| |==================================================| 3754019 SNPs in common between GWAS summary and LD 428984 SNPs set from summary data 3325035 SNPs flipped alleles 3754019 SNPs are typed SNPs Start summary imputation... ==========1========= Imputing... Read error (m) Error in impGa(info$template, idxBlk, info$type, ma_exist$z, idxtt, m, : c++ exception (unknown reason)
Could you please help identify what the issue could be?
Thanks, Gabriëlla