zhixuany / HUMBI

This repository contains official code (in MATLAB) for exploring and visualizing HUMBI dataset introduced in the paper "HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions" (CVPR 2020).
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Documentation request: loading MANO hands and SMPL body model together #18

Closed jutanke closed 3 years ago

jutanke commented 3 years ago

I am trying to load the reconstructed hands together with the SMPL mesh/vertices. While loading the SMPL vertices (red) and pose keypoints (yellow) and projecting into a given camera works fine I have some trouble with the hands. The hand keypoints and the reconstructed hand mesh (blue: left, green: right) seem to be placed at different position than the mesh:

image image

Applying the rotation and translation provided in mano_params_l.txt/mano_params_r.txt also does not seem to produce the right results.


The camera calibrations for body and hands seem to be identical.

Could you provide a sample of loading SMPL and MANO in the same coordinate frame?

jutanke commented 3 years ago

This has actually been asked already: https://github.com/zhixuany/HUMBI/issues/5

@zhixuany Is there an update wrt jointly tracked body and hands or does the dataset - as of now - still treats body and hands separately? Some samples in the paper seem to be with tracked body + hands, for example: image

zhixuany commented 3 years ago

We allocate different time sessions to capture body movement and hand gestures separately, in order to highlight each. Thus, we did not process hand in sequence focus on body movement, though we made that particular images in the paper showing body and hand mesh together.