zhiyongp / 3D-SRCNN

If you find this code can help you, please cite the article in the following format:Pan Z , Jiang G , Jiang H , et al. Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution Method with View Incorporation and Convolutional Neural Networks[J]. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(6):526.
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Is there any corresponding paper to refer to? #1

Open YingqianWang opened 4 years ago

YingqianWang commented 4 years ago

Hi, Zhiyong,

I am interested in this work. It seems like using 3D-SRCNN to achieve stereo image SR. Is there any corresponding paper to refer? Looking forward to your reply.

Yingqian Wang Email: wangyingqian16@nudt.edu.cn

zhiyongp commented 4 years ago

Hello, Yingqian

Thanks for your attention to this work!Yes, this 3D-SRCNN is applied to achieve stereo image SR. And it refers to the paper titled "Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution Method with View Incorporation and Convolutional Neural Networks".

Best regards, Zhiyong Pan Email: zhiyong_pan@126.com