zhiyuanyou / SAFECount

[WACV 2023] Few-shot Object Counting with Similarity-Aware Feature Enhancement
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Query - Implementaion of weighted feature aggregation #25

Closed m-zheng closed 1 year ago

m-zheng commented 1 year ago


I am trying to understand the implementation of your equation 5, 6 and 7 in your paper, and would be thankful if you can help.

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According to your paper, the support feature fS is flipped before being used to convolve the R. However, there is a 1x1 convolution (line 247 below) applied on the support feature fS before implementing the equation 5. Are you using the projected support feature fS for the equation 5? https://github.com/zhiyuanyou/SAFECount/blob/de067f9f1ca2caea432dd4c2e6d9ec9b2a169ebf/models/safecount.py#L238-L262

Additionally, there is another 1x1 convolution (line 261) after implementing the equation 6. Are you using the projected fR to implement your equation 7?

zhiyuanyou commented 1 year ago

Yes, you are right.

This implementation is modified according to nn.MultiheadAttention().

Since we want to implement this module using a multi-head form, we need to project a feature (C x H x W) to N sub-features (N x C / N x H x W) as N heads. Then we implement weighted feature aggregation within each head, finally aggregate the features of all heads together.

m-zheng commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your help. It makes perfect sense now.