zhiyzuo / python-scopus

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problem with example query #13

Closed rubabatif closed 6 years ago

rubabatif commented 6 years ago

hi i am having a problem with your example query.

from pyscopus import Scopus key='xxx_mykeyhere_xxxx' scopus = Scopus(key) search_df = scopus.search("KEY(interdisciplinary collaboration)", count=30) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "**\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\pyscopus\scopus.py", line 56, in search result_df, total_count = _searchscopus(self.apikey, query, type, view=view) File "**\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\pyscopus\utils.py", line 303, in _search_scopus total_count = int(js['search-results']['opensearch:totalResults']) KeyError: 'search-results'

zhiyzuo commented 6 years ago

I cannot reproduce your error. You may need to do all these within your institution's network.

rubabatif commented 6 years ago

yes, you are right. just checked. i thought only the elsevier key was enough to run this.