zhongpei / Comfyui_image2prompt

image to prompt by vikhyatk/moondream1
GNU General Public License v3.0
240 stars 14 forks source link

Feature Request: Store models in ComfyUI/models #26

Closed RedDeltas closed 3 months ago

RedDeltas commented 3 months ago

It would be great if the model path could be moved from being inside the custom node to the ComfyUI/models path maybe in an image2promt directory?

This would be more inline with ComfyUIs principles, for me I use RunPod and I have different policies around what gets backed up - so anything in the custom_nodes directory will get backed up and this includes the large model files which I'd like to avoid.

zhongpei commented 3 months ago

huggingface download model just a link ,so you can copy the dir to anywhere

RedDeltas commented 3 months ago

Doesn't this node look in ComfyUI/custom_nodes/Comfyui_image2prompt/model to find the models though? I'm suggesting that it would be great if it loaded models from ComfyUI/models/image2prompt instead

zhongpei commented 3 months ago

please update and move comfyui_image2text/model to comfyui/models/image2text

RedDeltas commented 3 months ago

Thank you 🙏