zhongpei / Comfyui_image2prompt

image to prompt by vikhyatk/moondream1
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Value not in list: model: 'vikhyatk/moondream1' #7

Closed Wraithnaut closed 4 months ago

Wraithnaut commented 5 months ago

The model loader remembers a model subfolder that isn't present within the custom node folder:

got prompt
ERROR:root:Failed to validate prompt for output 4:
ERROR:root:* LoadImage2TextModel 3:
ERROR:root:  - Value not in list: model: 'vikhyatk/moondream1' not in ['moondream1', 'internlm-xcomposer2-vl-7b']
ERROR:root:Output will be ignored
invalid prompt: {'type': 'prompt_outputs_failed_validation', 'message': 'Prompt outputs failed validation', 'details': '', 'extra_info': {}}

Work Around: Select a value that is in the list, such as 'moondream1', and it will validate. However, each new instance of the model loader node will still remember that subfolder.

zhongpei commented 4 months ago

use 'moondream1'