zhongwanjun / MemoryBank-SiliconFriend

Source code and demo for memory bank and SiliconFriend
MIT License
159 stars 19 forks source link

软件包版本冲突 #15

Open BaoBaoGitHub opened 6 months ago

BaoBaoGitHub commented 6 months ago

你好,我使用conda创建了一个python=3.10的新环境,执行pip install -r requirements.txt,发现langchainllama-index有版本冲突。 疑问:什么样的版本是合适的?

codernew007 commented 4 months ago


zhongwanjun commented 4 months ago

我使用的是llama-index==0.5.17.post1 langchain==0.0.144

liujie178 commented 1 month ago

我使用的是llama-index==0.5.17.post1 langchain==0.0.144 还是会报错 cannot import name 'VideoAudioParser' from 'llama_index.readers.file.video_audio' (/root/miniconda3/envs/memory_bank/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/readers/file/video_audio/init.py)

angelOnly commented 1 month ago
