zhongwuzw / WebBrowser

iOS浏览器 Web Browser for iOS
MIT License
375 stars 92 forks source link

工程编译不通过 #24

Open likaiwork opened 5 years ago

likaiwork commented 5 years ago

'GCDWebServers/GCDWebServers.h' file not found

zhongwuzw commented 5 years ago

@likaiwork 你这边是使用Carthage 还是CocoaPods?

Carthage 步骤:

  1. Clone or download zip file.
  2. Run command carthage update --platform iOS
  3. Open WebBrowser.xcodeproj and run.


  1. Clone or download zip file.
  2. Run sh transfer-carthage-to-cocoapods.sh.
  3. Run pod install.
  4. Open WebBrowser.xcworkspace and run.