zhongyang219 / TrafficMonitor

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the net speed is not accurate #1674

Open hosseinfarnia opened 10 months ago

hosseinfarnia commented 10 months ago


My phone has built in network speed monitor.

When I hotspot the internet from my phone to pc, the net speed on pc is not the same as my phone. traffic monitor shows about half of the speed shown on the phone

for example if the phone net speed is 10 MB, traffic monitor on pc shows about 5 MB.

NoAdO commented 10 months ago

I mentioned that for me accuracy of speedtesting acts strange. If i do speedtest.net, i get about 32 MB/s but if i change setting and repeat, i get ~80 Mb/s. Both numbers are inaccurate, cause real speed is about 280-290 Mb/s, but the ctrangest thing is that MB/s are more accurate then Mb/s.

DearTanker commented 10 months ago

May be helpful, check my issue: https://github.com/zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor/issues/1263

SirBitesalot commented 10 months ago

I have the same issue. Setting monitoring to 200ms has no effect, number is still drastically wrong.

DearTanker commented 10 months ago

I have the same issue. Setting monitoring to 200ms has no effect, number is still drastically wrong.

Check this reply carefully https://github.com/zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor/issues/1263#issuecomment-1285398877

SirBitesalot commented 10 months ago

I tried every possible combination of 1000ms 200ms 300ms GPU on GPU off. its always wrong. I dont know what caused this but after using the program for some time it suddenly started showing the wrong speed.

NoAdO commented 10 months ago

May be helpful, check my issue: #1263

No, sorry. I have a 1000ms setting and no GPU tracking