zhongyang219 / TrafficMonitor

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Data wont align to the far left of Taskbar #1685

Closed fawzynahwi closed 10 months ago

fawzynahwi commented 10 months ago

Screenshot 2023-08-29 233308 I dont know if this is related or not but after removing Windows widgets from my device the app wont align to the far left even though I have enabled the option in settings Screenshot 2023-08-29 233442

I have tried to set the space manually in global_cfg.ini via writing : [task_bar] taskbar_left_space_win11 = 160 and changing 160 to 200 or even 260 but it didnt change anything all. Please help :(

Edit 1: I tried changing taskbar_left_space_win11 in config file in Roaming folder but it also changed nothing

dinaau commented 8 months ago

Screenshot 2023-08-29 233308 I dont know if this is related or not but after removing Windows widgets from my device the app wont align to the far left even though I have enabled the option in settings Screenshot 2023-08-29 233442

I have tried to set the space manually in global_cfg.ini via writing : [task_bar] taskbar_left_space_win11 = 160 and changing 160 to 200 or even 260 but it didnt change anything all. Please help :(

Edit 1: I tried changing taskbar_left_space_win11 in config file in Roaming folder but it also changed nothing

hey did you solve this? i have the same issue