zhongyang219 / TrafficMonitor

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Request: Battery % value & Winget Support #1695

Open SandeeepKiran opened 1 year ago

SandeeepKiran commented 1 year ago

Request: Battery % value & Winget Support

Winget Windows Package Manager for updates, so we can use Winget upgrade --all and have Traffic Monitor also included.

Battery Percentage Support similar to below application. https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/battery-percentage-icon/9PCKT2B7DZMW?hl=en-af&gl=af

Example shown below, the 43 -> means my battery charge is 43% and green means it is charging. image



Thank you

SandeeepKiran commented 1 year ago


I now see that the dev has included plugin support, and some people have made a battery plugins. although not EXACTLY what I need. It is very close. Thank you.


I would love to see WINGET support soon.