zhongyang219 / TrafficMonitor

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Support for VRAM usage #1801

Open Trojaner opened 2 months ago

Trojaner commented 2 months ago

Please include support for VRAM (GPU memory) usage. It should behave the same like current RAM implementations. Useful when dealing with multiple machine learning models to see if GPU memory is fully utilized.

JasonWenTheFox commented 2 months ago

Good advice! For machine learning and AI users, it is extremely necessary to be able to easily check the real-time usage of VRAM. I hope the author can add this function as soon as possible. Oceans of thanks! 很好的建议!对于机器学习和AI使用者来说,能够轻易地查看显存的实时占用是极其有必要的,希望作者可以尽快加入这个功能,万谢!