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English writing #5

Open zhongyuanyang opened 6 years ago

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

I want to improve my English writing by writing an article every day.

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

The thermal engine is generally used for electricity. However, the thermal engines cannot convert all of the heat to electricity, in practice, more than half of the heat is wasted as excess heat. A CCHP system is designed to take advantage of the excess heat that would be wasted in conventional power plants for useful heating and cooling. Firstly, the high-temperature excess heat is used in steam turbines for electricity, then, the resulting low-temperature heat can be used for water or space heating, when necessary, the heat can also be used in absorption refrigerator for cooling. The thermal efficiency is higher if the heat can be used on-site or near-site for long-distance transportation of heat requires insulated pipes that are very expensive and inefficient. In general, the CCHP system can greatly raise the thermal efficiency by capturing and using the excess heat.

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

Thermal power plants (those that are based on a thermodynamic cycle to convert heat produced from solar mirrors, fissile elements, burning coal, petroleum, or natural gas), and heat engines in general, do not convert all of their thermal energy into electricity. In most heat engines, more than half is lost as excess heat (see: Second law of thermodynamics and Carnot's theorem). By capturing the excess heat, CHP uses heat that would be wasted in a conventional power plant, potentially reaching an efficiency of up to 80%.[4] This means that less fuel needs to be consumed to produce the same amount of useful energy.

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

A CHP plant can either simultaneous meet the electricity and heat demand or run as a power plant with some use of its waste heat, the latter is undoubtedly inefficient. The efficiency will be increased greatly when an opportunity exists(前面opportunity是单数) for trigeneration. In this(such) case, the excess heat from CHP plant is also used as the primary energy resource for(to deliver cooling) cooling by means of absorption refrigerator.

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

More than 16000 scientists from about 184 countries have published a critical warning to humanity advising that we need to change our incorrect behavior to protect the environment. the warning notice that since 1970, the carbon dioxide emissions have increased sharply, by about 90%. About 78% comes from fossil fuel combustion, such as through the use of coal for electricity or driving cars that use gas. so emergency action should be done to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. The wide promotion of CCHP system is one of the viable ways. A CCHP system refers to a simultaneous generation of heating, cooling, and electricity, the system can attain a higher thermal efficiency by capturing the excess heat that would be wasted in conventional power plant and using them for useful cooling and heating. should 为情态动词, 后面加动词原形,不考虑人称和数的变化。

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

A multi-agent system is a computational system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents in(within) an environment. The multi-agent system can be used for complicated(to solve) problems that are hard for an individual agent to solve. It solves the problem through the cooperation of agents that are specially designed in the multi-agent system. The cooperation refers to each agent can communicate with its neighbors and simultaneous solves its own problem locally.

A multi-agent system is related to, but distinct from the agent-based model in that the ABM is to study (search the explanatory insight into)the collective behavior of agents obeying(做后置定语) the same(simple) rules, typically in natural systems, while in a multi-agent system, the agents are specially designed to solve specific practical or engineering problem.

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

overlap n.重叠 vi.部分重叠 vt.与...重叠 The second phase of development overlaps the first/ There is considerable overlap between the two notions. autonomous adj.自制的,自主的 the agents inside the agent-based model can simulate the actions and interactions of autonomous agents distinct adj.明显的、清楚的,有区别的 The requirements of the two groups are distinct from each other. syntax n.语法,句法 decompose vt分解、腐烂 composed of由...组成 histogram直方图 dummy heat虚拟头结点 bilateral adj.双边的 welfare n.福利 satisfy/meet the conditions 满足条件 congestion n.拥挤、拥塞 derive vt.源于、得自、获得;vi起源 derive sth from sth从...获得... I derive great satisfaction from my job. derive from 源自、源于 impact vt.影响、撞击、冲突 associate with 与。。。有关 This dialog indicates all the properties of the business object associated with the role. lifespan n.寿命、使用寿命 for the time being 暂时、眼下 debris n.碎片、残骸 mythological adj.神话的 undertake vt.承担、保证 he undertake the task of writing an English article asteroid n.小行星 meet the commitment 实现诺言 pledge n.保证、誓言 detach vt.分离、派遣、撕下 carry out a promise the satellite will be detached from the NASA space remain in orbit that around the earth 留在绕地轨道上 aboard adv.在飞机/船上 vt.乘坐 live at 生活在(较小的地方,街道、社区、房间等) live off依靠..生存 constitution n.宪法、章程 live in 生活在(较大的地方,如国家、城市) outer space 外太空 disappear vi/vt消失、 disappeared adj.消失的、消失了的 (也是过去分词和过去式) citizenship 公民身份、 capitalism n.资本主义 communism n.共产主义 sutra n.佛经 cornerstone n.基石、地基 massive adj.大量的,巨大的 Toilet is the cornerstone of a civilized society, and it will benefit the health of the masses. masses n.民众、大量 v.集中 without consent 未经允许 victimize vt.使受害 The law meant to protect children are now being used to victimize them. 10% of the American girls under 30 have been victimized by abuse of their private images. pilot program 试点工程 track n.轨道、足迹 vt.追踪 senator n.参议员 outcry n.大声疾呼,强烈抗议 deliver on 履行(诺言) repeal vt.废除、撤销 deduction n.扣除、减除 tax deduction 税务扣除 tax brackets 阶梯收税 ease n.轻松、舒适vt.减轻、缓和 your words ease my burden greatly. exemption n.免除、豁免

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

Paper No.15 proposed a distributed area price based algorithm, in which the overall DC OPF problem of multiarea is decomposed into several of subproblems, one for an area. The results(solutions) of the OPF subproblems of the different areas are coordinated (through)by a pricing mechanism until they converge to the global OPF solution. the prices used for the coordination are electricity exchange prices between adjacent areas. competitive power market: the objective of which is the maximization of the total social welfare, which is defined as the utility of(to) customers from the consumption of electricity minus the cost of(to) the producers for electricity production. pricing mechanism、prices、electricity exchanges In paper No.16, a distributed algorithm is presented to solve DC OPF problem for radial networks, based on the particle Primal-Dual algorithm. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is firstly used to solve an economic dispatch problem an derives a distributed ED, then further analysis is made to transfer the distributed algorithm from ED to OPF problem. This paper also proved that the solution of the proposed algorithm meets the KKT conditions of the DC OPF problem. The effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm are proved through a radical network. Paper17 A distributed algorithm for DC OPF problem based on the multi-agent system is presented in this paper. In this algorithm, the geographically distributed network entities are designated as agents with sensing, communication, and computation abilities. This distributed algorithm solve the DC OPF problem by iteratively solving the first-order optimality conditions associated with the DC OPF problem. In each iteration, the agents update some local variables through simple computations and exchange information with their own neighbor agents. geographically distributed network entities are designated as agents. The agent has local sensing\communication and computation abilities. First-order optimality conditions associated with the DC OPF problem. This algorithm solves these first-order optimality conditions through an iterative process. At each iteration, the agent updates a few local variables through simple computations and exchanges information with its neighbor agents. Paper No.18, This paper studies(investigates) the role(impact) of communication in(on) the convergence rate of the distributed DC OPF algorithm, which solves the first-order optimality conditions through an iterative process. In the distributed algorithm, in each iteration, the buses(every) exchange information with their physical neighbors and update a few local variables through(by) a simple function. This paper indicates that sharing additional information between different buses without physical connections in the system will(can)(情态动词后面永远加动词原形) increase the convergence rate(speed up the convergence) of the distributed algorithm. The key points are the constrained selection of the communication links and the effective integration of the additional information in the local variable updates. distributed resources. The distributed DC OPF algorithm solves the first-order optimality conditions through an iterative process. The activities of each bus: 1.exchange information with its physically connected neighbors and update the local variables by evaluating a simple function. key: constrain these communication links and the effective integration of this information in the updates of local variables. US Patent

zhongyuanyang commented 6 years ago

0reading record No.1 CNN: Asgardia, the world's first space nation', takes flight http://edition.cnn.com/style/article/asgardia-satellite-launch/index.html Asgardia is the first independent space nation in the world. It was founded by Russian scientist Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli. Asgardia first presents in outer space by launching a satellite called Asgardia-1. The nanosat contains 0.5 TB of data belonging to 18000 Asgardia citizens, such as personal photographs, voices, (as well as the coat of arms and constitution(宪法)). The Asgardia-1 made its journey from NASA launching center to International Space Station(ISS) aboard a commercial cargo vehicle, now it must wait for about two weeks during(as) the vital supplies and scientific(adj.科学的) equipment are transferred to the scientists currently living at the ISS. Then the nanosat will be detached(v.分离) from the NASA vehicle and begin its orbital journey around the earth. Citizens' data will remain(情态动词后面用原型) in orbit for at most 18 months, the typical lifespan(使用周期、寿命) of this kind of satellite. It will then burn out and disappear. For the founder of the space nation, this launch meets a commitment he made when establishing the nation, to take its citizens to space via their data.

Revenge porn is sexual abuse in a new digital form. As one of the popular social media platform, Facebook has implement a pilot program in Australia to prevent users' private images from being shared on the platform without their consent(同意、赞成). In a press release about the pilot program, Facebook explains: "We don't want this platform to become a place where people fear their private images will be shared without their consent "

The Republicans had released their tax bill last weekend. It is a campaign promise that the Republicans are optimistic they will finally be able to implement. according to a press release from CNN, this plan focuses on(is heavily weighted to) decrease the tax rate of the businesses (ease the tax burden of business) rather than the middle class. The plan drops the corporate tax down to 21% from 35% currently, repeals the alternative minimum tax, doubles the tax exemption meaning that few enterprises need(will have) to pay it. The plan keeps the seven individual income tax brackets, and lowers that rates of most brackets, it drops(including droping) the top rate to 37% from 39.7%.