zhouyuchong / gst-nvinfer-custom

Custom gst-nvinfer for alignment in Deepstream
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[Question] Share CMakeList.txt File? (Error at "make") #5

Closed cloudlakecho closed 1 year ago

cloudlakecho commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing your codes.

Would you share your "CMakeList.txt" file?

Here are details:    While I try to run "make" command (step 2 in instruction), I could generate all compiled files except "face_tensor_extractor".

   It looks like that I am facing dependent library problem. The log (from make command) is too long, so it is hard to find error.

   This is my command line for the "make":    $ LDFLAGS+="-L/usr/lib" CFLAGS+="-I/usr/include/gstreamer-1.0 -I/usr/include/opencv4 -I/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.1/sources/includes -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.1/sources/gst-plugins/gst-nvdspreprocess/include" make >&log

   My target hardware is Nvidia development board (AArch64 not x86_64), so there is additional modification (it looks like your "Makefile" generated in x86_64).


   Run time environment:      OS: Ubuntu 20.04      HW: Nvidia AGX Orin (AArch64)      OpenCV: libopencv 4.5.4 (and libopencv-core4.2:arm64 4.2.0 - this is odd)

zhouyuchong commented 1 year ago

Hi, the file face_tensor_extractor is no longer in use so u can delete it or pull newer codes. However, there is a littler difference between them so it's up to you. I'm using x86_64 platform so I'm sorry can't help you with CMakeList.txt. This repo is built on top of official gst-nvinfer codes so if you needed maybe you can ask their tech support on forum. :smile:

cloudlakecho commented 1 year ago

@zhouyuchong Thanks for the information. I will exclude "face_tensor_extractor" code.

I will try installation without the code.

Yes, I am aware your development environment. The reason of requesting your "CMakeLists.txt" is that I could modify the file (for my environment) and run it (to make "Makefile" for my environment). The "Makefile" file...I couldn't modify.