zhouzhuojie / hast

Hast, an on-the-fly presentation for everyone! Realtime broadcasting and hot push changes. Using Meteor, DeckJS, aceEditor, etc
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about iron-router and meteor 0.9* #2

Closed struCoder closed 9 years ago

struCoder commented 9 years ago

Recently, i start your hast project, the version of meteor that in my computer is 0.9.3, so i found my meteor is incompatible with iron-router. for example:

  @route 'doc', 
    template: 'editPanel'
    path: '/doc/:_id'
    onBeforeAction: ->
      if Meteor.user()
        doc_id = @params._id
        Session.set('doc_id', doc_id)

and in setData() i write :

Meteor.call 'getDoc', Session.get('doc_id'), (err, file) ->
// almost like yours

BUT, sometimes Session.get('doc_id') is an object not String. Whether async load lead to this problem or meteor is incompatible with iron-router

zhouzhuojie commented 9 years ago

Hi, @struCoder , I cannot reproduce the error.

Can you list your packages versions?

here's mine:

$ meteor list accounts-password 1.0.2 Password support for accounts coffeescript 1.0.3 Javascript dialect with fewer brac... iron:router 0.9.4 Routing specifically designed for ... meteorhacks:kadira 2.11.2 Performance Monitoring for Meteor mrt:accounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdown 0.8.3 Bootstrap styled version of login ... mrt:flatstrap 1.0.0 Flatstrap mrt:module-loader 0.5.1 A minimal toolset for loading modu... mrt:moment 2.8.1 Moment.js, a JavaScript date libra... mystor:device-detection 0.2.0 Client-Side Device Type Detection ... spiderable 1.0.3 Makes the application crawlable to... standard-app-packages 1.0.2 Moved to meteor-platform stylus 1.0.4 Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS underscore 1.0.0 Collection of small helpers: _.map...

struCoder commented 9 years ago


accounts-password                   1.0.2  Password support for accounts
coffeescript                        1.0.3  Javascript dialect with fewer brac...
iron:router                         0.9.4  Routing specifically designed for ...
meteorhacks:kadira                  2.10.1* Performance Monitoring for Meteor
mrt:accounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdown  0.8.3  Bootstrap styled version of login ...
mrt:flatstrap                       1.0.0  Flatstrap
mrt:module-loader                   0.5.1  A minimal toolset for loading modu...
mrt:moment                          2.8.1  Moment.js, a JavaScript date libra...
mystor:device-detection             0.2.0  Client-Side Device Type Detection ...
spiderable                          1.0.3  Makes the application crawlable to...
standard-app-packages               1.0.2  Moved to meteor-platform
stylus                              1.0.4  Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS
underscore                          1.0.0  Collection of small helpers: _.map...
struCoder commented 9 years ago

Some thing additional:

  @route 'doc', 
    template: 'editPanel'
    path: '/doc/:_id'
    onBeforeAction: ->
      if Meteor.user()
        doc_id = @params._id
        Session.set('doc_id', doc_id)
        console.log 'login'
         console.log 'not login'

when i debug it ,sometimes, the console print 'login' and 'not login', it means when 'print not login' the Session.get('doc_id') is undefined. mybe is my codes wrong .:(