zhuhao-nju / facescape

FaceScape (PAMI2023 & CVPR2020)
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Access to the website #81

Closed yjhong89 closed 2 years ago

yjhong89 commented 2 years ago

Dear authors,

I am YJHong and thanks for your great work!

While I am accessing website to get a license, (https://facescape.nju.edu.cn/) I got this message image

Is it temporal shutdown ?

Thank you. Best regards, YJHong

lyx323 commented 2 years ago


zhuhao-nju commented 2 years ago

Hi YJHong,

Thanks for your interest! The website is temporally shutdown due to the maintenance and will resume by 2022/2/21. During the maintenance, you may sign the agreement below and send it to facescape@outlook.com, then I will reply with the license key and google share link.

The google share link is used for downloading without login within two weeks, and the license key is used for login and downloading after the website resumes.

License agreement: https://github.com/zhuhao-nju/facescape/blob/master/doc/License_Agreement.pdf

yjhong89 commented 2 years ago

@zhuhao-nju Thank you for reply. I send the license agreement with my signature

Thank you (close this issue)