zhuhao-nju / facescape

FaceScape (PAMI2023 & CVPR2020)
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Questions about base shape #87

Open yjhong89 opened 2 years ago

yjhong89 commented 2 years ago

Hi I am YJHong and have questions about the registration of base shape while reading supplementary material.

  1. How down-sample the raw scanned mesh into the base shape ? Is there any reference or any policy (# of vertices and faces of base shape) ?
  2. According to the paper, the first stage is rougly register all the meshes to the template face by aligning 3D facial landmarks. What does mean "all the meshes" here ? Since there are raw meshes per identity and expression in facescape datasets, it sounds like there is only one base shape whereas there are base templates per identity and expression in TU-Model. image
  3. The coordinates of raw meshes and TU-Models are not aligned. So I followed up demo_align.ipynb to align raw meshes to the canonical coordinates. 1) How make "predef/Rt_scale_dict.json" file ? By Procrustes transformation aligning 3d facial landmarks of the template face ? 2) If then, the canonical coordinate of the base shape is specified when down-sampling the raw mesh ?

Thank you. Best regards, YJHong.