zhulf0804 / PointPillars

A Simple PointPillars PyTorch Implementation for 3D LiDAR(KITTI) Detection.
MIT License
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The question about filter_db function. #31

Open wanghangege opened 1 year ago

wanghangege commented 1 year ago

why use the function (filter_db) to filter the difficulty and min_points ? Does it make bad influence to the performance?

def filter_db(self, db_infos):
    # 1. filter_by_difficulty
    for k, v in db_infos.items():
        db_infos[k] = [item for item in v if item['difficulty'] != -1]

    # 2. filter_by_min_points, dict(Car=5, Pedestrian=10, Cyclist=10)
    filter_thrs = dict(Car=5, Pedestrian=10, Cyclist=10)
    for cat in self.CLASSES:
        filter_thr = filter_thrs[cat]
        db_infos[cat] = [item for item in db_infos[cat] if item['num_points_in_gt'] >= filter_thr]

    return db_infos
zhulf0804 commented 1 year ago
  1. Difficulty value is calculate here https://github.com/zhulf0804/PointPillars/blob/b9948e73505c8d6bfa631ffdf76c7148e82c5942/pre_process_kitti.py#L16-L32 And objects with difficulty = -1 are not cared as described in https://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_object.php?obj_benchmark=3d
  2. Filtering by min_points may influence the performance. We keep consistent with filter_by_min_points in mmdet3d. Also the parameters are updated for a better performance in pr 1166 image
jonasdieker commented 1 year ago

Hey @zhulf0804, do I understand this correctly:

The filtering here is only for the annotations database, which is used for the data augmentation when sampling extra ground truth bboxes and points. You do not filter out difficult bboxes from the actual ground truths of a particular frame when loading the data, right?