zhuminjie / OpenSeesPy

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Compiling OpenSeesPy for parallel processing #140

Open mbbatukan opened 1 month ago

mbbatukan commented 1 month ago

I was able to follow the steps given here. I successfully created binaries (sequential, MP, and SP) and the OpenSeesPy.so in lib directory. However, I cannot use the MUMPS solver when I call the application with mpiexec. Is there another step or option to include those files in the Python library (OpenSeesPy.so)?

This is the error I get:

WARNING unknown system type Mumps WARNING unknown system type Mumps ops.system("Mumps") ops.system("Mumps") opensees.OpenSeesError: See stderr output opensees.OpenSeesError: See stderr output

zhuminjie commented 1 month ago

You are running MP or SP? Did you define "_MUMPS" macro when compiling?

mbbatukan commented 1 month ago

Thanks, @zhuminjie, for the prompt response. I'm not running either of those binaries; I just call OpenSees from Python like this -> mpiexec -np 2 python script.py

I simply provide this option to CMake: -DMUMPS_DIR=$PWD/../../mumps/build. Is it enough or I should add more?

mbbatukan commented 1 month ago

Also, I have no issues with testing the MP and SP binaries. They both run well with the TCL script.