zhuoma888 / fetal_pancreas

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How to access the cell-type information for the datasets used in this manuscript? #1

Open HelloWorldLTY opened 11 months ago

HelloWorldLTY commented 11 months ago

Hi, thanks for your great work. I notice that in Figure 7, you used public mouse daatasets for analysis, and there exist cell types. However, in their raw datasets, they did not incldue the cell-type information. Is it possible for me to access the cell types from mouse pancreas datasets? Thanks. image

zhuoma888 commented 8 months ago

Hi, thanks for your great work. I notice that in Figure 7, you used public mouse daatasets for analysis, and there exist cell types. However, in their raw datasets, they did not incldue the cell-type information. Is it possible for me to access the cell types from mouse pancreas datasets? Thanks. image

Hi, cell type information of mouse datasets was obtained from supplementary files in these two papers.