zhuowei / ClubhouseAPI

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Nice work, question about key #3

Open makertech81 opened 3 years ago

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

Awesome repo, I also reverse engineered the api but not the app over the weekend and didn't realize someone else did the same. Curious how you found the Agora app key because that's what was killing me, granted I'm a noob when it comes to reading decompiled app code.

zhuowei commented 3 years ago

It's in the Info.plist...

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

Welp now I feel stupid. Thanks anyways!

zhuowei commented 3 years ago

No worries!

The Info.plist also contains the API endpoint (ROOT_URL): it seems that if you change the endpoint to your own, the app disables certificate pinning, so that might be helpful for dynamic reversing.

I've mostly been using Ghidra, class-dump, and strings to reverse the API: if you have any tips I'll love to hear it.

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

No way I used that too. I am new to reverse engineering anything, I used Ghidra cause it was free :D. I barely understand the assembly, but I have been using strings and searching too. That's a useful tip for the certificate pinning, I jailbroke an iPad to use mitmproxy for this and turn off pinning. Wish I realized you did this too before me, but it was fun learning this stuff nonetheless.

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

Have you figured out where the actual audio stream goes? I'm lost with PubNub cause that's the only stream of requests I see when I join rooms.

zhuowei commented 3 years ago

where the actual audio stream goes

It's supposed to be powered by Agora's SDK, according to reports online; there's an Agora token in /join_channel but I didn't have an invite (I begged for an invite and got banned on the first login lol) and they no longer allow uninvited users to call that endpoint, so I can't test whether it works.

I do know wongmjane on Twitter got audio streaming working but did not release any details.

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

By the way, I tried logging in on your platform but it says I'm waitlist, when I am not. Not sure why.

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

I'm going to do some testing myself...I found a pubnub and agora integration example from agora themselves!

zhuowei commented 3 years ago

but it says I'm waitlist


makertech81 commented 3 years ago

Tried to invite you through the hipster.house but it gave me success false error: ""

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

I think your attempt was clever, but I'm sure that's on the back end and random inside the actual clubhouse database.

zhuowei commented 3 years ago

@makertech81 Thanks. I guess I don't know how the invite_from_waitlist api works. Maybe I need to do something to my account to get is_onboarding changed from true to false in check_waitlist_status

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

FYI I figured out how to join the channels with Agora (which opens up some privacy problems) + I found some potential problems with its setup and the API's rate-limiting system (for them protecting from DDoS not the user). It seems Clubhouse is shut down, I wonder if others found the same and abused it.

zhuowei commented 3 years ago

@makertech81 zerforschung has documented how the Agora integration works (https://zerforschung.org/posts/gespraeche-aus-dem-clubhouse/), although I haven't had a chance to replicate this for myself (I started but wanted to look into invites first).

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

Oh cool I didn't see that post, thanks for sharing. I think their POST requests might have gotten abused. integrating with agora and nothing else allowed me to be invisible and listen in with no signs of my presence. Weird and interesting stuff, I did the integration a little bit differently. The invite system is quite weird, I thought maybe invite distribution is purely backend? Definitely worth checking out though-- thanks a lot for the info and responses.

makertech81 commented 3 years ago

There were a lot of quirks with when the microphone worked for me in rooms.