zhuowei / MCPELauncher

Source code for BlockLauncher, a launcher that patches Minecraft for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Dump file.txt #1460

Open SeeGreatness opened 6 years ago

SeeGreatness commented 6 years ago

So resettle I was looking for the method dump file that you get when you go into the nerdy tab in the menu but I can't seem to find it now it is possible that it's not just a raw text file being called to the screen when you push that button and so it might just be inside a Java file. I'm not shire how it's set up and it doesn't really matter because I just want to be able to use that file text to see what commands I can put into my .js file to make a mod. I usually just look at it on my tablet within the blocklauncher app but my tablet doesn't work right now so I would like some help to find it so I can go back to creating mods thanks


SeeGreatness commented 6 years ago

Autocorrect sucks and resettle = recently

CtrlAltCuteness commented 6 years ago

The file it creates should be (at least with my setup) located at: /sdcard/modpescript_dump.txt If you have both an internal storage / sdcsrd and an actual sdcard, look in the internal location first.