zhuyuecai / Group_Project_345

This is the repo for the group project of Comp345.
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First build meeting #11

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi everyone! So the 5th and 6th November we will have to present some features of our Tower Defence. Last class the prof gave us some insights into what is required for this presentation. I wrote the requirements here:


As you can see, there is a big emphasis on the map component, so @cesarl , you will be very important for this presentation! :grin:

And since we need to put together all our components and discuss about what we need to do during this presentation, we need, again, to have a group meeting. As usual the Wednesday lab is a good time but if you can't, Skype is the answer!

zhuyuecai commented 9 years ago

I can come at Wed, if everybody come. I also add you through skype.

zhuyuecai commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, we meet tonight in the Lab or on skype?

ghost commented 9 years ago

I'm going to the lab

cesarl commented 9 years ago

Ho ! I'm so sorry ! I couldn't make it (IRL or Skype) and totaly forgot to tell you !

I'm sincerly sorry. I attack the map observer very soon. I'll keep you in touch about it.

What do you think about a skype Saturday at 3pm ?

ghost commented 9 years ago

I work at that moment but you can still do it without me!

ghost commented 9 years ago

Ok everyone, presentation for the first build is next week. I registered our team for next Thursday at 11pm (last slot :grinning: ).

cesarl commented 9 years ago

Super ! Thank you @LukasCG

Wow, that's a lot of work todo :D for thursday :smile: !

I'll move my code to the repo during the WE so that we can all begin to work together on the same code.

What do you think about an hangout /skype sunday :phone: @LukasCG @zhuyuecai @celcius112 @tdimayuga @vapetld ?

Happy halloween :jack_o_lantern:

cesarl commented 9 years ago

Hey ! We switched roles, now that's all of you who disapeared :smile: ?

So, I did a pull request with some beginning of code. As I explain in the PR, my code is very far to be beautiful or well thinked, but there is so much to code so I don't take the time to think a lot.

Maybe code can be a little obscur in some point, do not hesitate to tell it to me.

I'll try to finish a basic map edition feature this evening. But what takes me a lot of time is to recode GUI hahaha.

So here is my planning :

Do not hesitate if you want to help me :smile:

ghost commented 9 years ago

oh geez sorry Cesar! I'm back! I didn't check your code yet, but I am confident that you know what you're doing :grinning: !

Critter part: the Critter part is the easier part for this first build (there's only one thing). I think it would actually be easier and faster if you were only to implement a point moving case to case from the entry towards the exit, without implementing my (very basic) code.

Tower: You really want to implement it yourself? @tdimayuga @vapetld where are you :hourglass: ?!

I'm free tomorrow morning and Wednesday morning, so if there's something you need me to do I will be there on skype (I have a very basic algorithm for searching where the Critter have to move next).

And to encourage you, just think that after this first build your part will be almost over!

cesarl commented 9 years ago

Hey !

It's okay for critter movement I did a very basic stuff

Here is where I'm : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzko3cvS6cU

ghost commented 9 years ago

Good job Cesar! Btw is it really a random map generator that you implemented? :open_mouth: If yes bravo!

cesarl commented 9 years ago

Lol @LukasCG, it seems that everybody disapear, foutage de gueule ! :angry:

So i did all the maps stuff / edition and blablabla

I'll do small stuff for towers tomorow, not all the list

Here : in orange what is done, in blue what ll do today and tomorrow


tdimayuga commented 9 years ago

hey guys! sorry i've been MIA.

tdimayuga commented 9 years ago

I have yet to look at the code but i'll help you guys with the towers

ghost commented 9 years ago

All right you rock! Btw one of our teammates just dropped the class because of his bad results in the midterm, so we are now a team of 4!

tdimayuga commented 9 years ago


ghost commented 9 years ago

yep :confused:

tdimayuga commented 9 years ago

alright. are we meeting tomorrow during the lab?

cesarl commented 9 years ago

No, I'm not going to the lab.

If you want to do useful stuff :

cesarl commented 9 years ago

@LukasCG C'est a 11 heures pm tu es sur, pas am ?

Devons nous rendre quelque chose avant ou on se pointe avec mon ordi et on montre ?


tdimayuga commented 9 years ago

The presentation is at 11am

cesarl commented 9 years ago


Hahaha ! Okay ! Fuck, I'll be there so ! Thanks !

Does somebody wants to meet early if he has some question on the code.

cesarl commented 9 years ago

haha I'll not have the time, I have to leave now to not be late.

Where it is please, which room ?

tdimayuga commented 9 years ago

I could be wrong but I think it's where the class is >.<

vapetld commented 9 years ago

Sorry guys! I got a little accident. I was not in class for a while. I should have tell you before. I managed to do the assignment 2 with some pain. I'll be there next week.