zhxie / pcap2socks

Redirect traffic to SOCKS proxy with pcap.
MIT License
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具体怎么用? #14

Closed ddiiccoo closed 3 years ago

ddiiccoo commented 3 years ago


zhxie commented 3 years ago

pcap2socks is a proxy used to redirect other devices' traffic in the local area network, such as Nintendo Switch & PlayStation, and does not support proxy local traffic.

pcap2socks uses a tech called pcap to capture network packets, bypass the kernal's protocol stack, and redirect network traffic.

To bypass the kernel's protocol stack, especially in macOS & Linux, the Proxy ARP should be enabled by setting --publish <ADDRESS>, and all the traffic from SRC_ADDRESS to PUBLISH_ADDRESS will be captued by pcap2socks.

After starting pcap2socks correctly, a prompt message will appear on the screen, like

│ IP Address │
│ Mask │
│ Gateway │
│ MTU                <=1500 │

and you have to fill these parameters to your proxied device's network settings. You can also choose pcap2socks GUI with user interface.

pcap2socks 是用于重定向局域网中其他设备,如 Nintendo Switch 与 PlayStation,的流量的代理,不能用于代理本地流量。

pcap2socks 使用了被称为 pcap 的技术来捕获网络报文,绕过内核的协议栈,并重定向网络流量。

为了绕过内核的协议栈,尤其是在 macOS 与 Linux 中,需要通过 --publish <ADDRESS> 启用 Proxy ARP,这样,所有来自 SRC_ADDRESSPUBLISH_ADDRESS 的流量都将被 pcap2socks 所捕获。

在正确启动 pcap2socks 后,屏幕上将显示如下

│ IP Address │
│ Mask │
│ Gateway │
│ MTU                <=1500 │

的提示信息,你仅需将这些信息填写到被代理的设备的网络设置中即可。你也可以选择使用具有交互式界面的 pcap2socks GUI.