zielu / GitToolBox

GitToolBox IntelliJ plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature] GitHub pull request integration #515

Open pnovotnak opened 10 months ago

pnovotnak commented 10 months ago

I have been searching high and low for a plugin that allows working with pull request features inline. I'd happily pay for these features, and judging by comments on the JetBrains issue tracker, I suspect others would, too.

Now, I don't personally care about PR creation, merging, or status changes being integrated at all. I'd rather do that through the GH UI. What is annoying for me in my day to day workflow is working with reviewer suggestions. I have to context switch back and forth between GitHub and my editor.

The way I invision this working is that pull requests are automatically discovered by branch + remote. I think it's fine if only one remote is supported.

When a reviewer leaves a review on a PR, a notification is displayed in the IDE. This notification has a button that allows checking out the pull request. If there are local changes, those are perhaps stashed.

If I'm already on the branch, a popup notification is displayed. New comments simply appear in the gutter or something. Maybe also in the file browser, if possible. Some way for me to discover them alongside my code, categorize them individually (basically if I think they are resolved or not), and iterate them by category, eg before committing.

These can be read-only. I just need them in the editor context so that I can modify the code with them present.

It would also be handy if I could also apply suggestions to the local repository. Doesn't need to commit or anything. Just apply the diff.

The last cherry on top would be to mark issues resolved after the current changeset has been pushed. But I'm not sure how that would reliably work for my workflow, as I commit in a terminal and return to my IDE.

I know this isn't "GitHub toolbox" and I appreciate you taking the time to consider my request! I think there is a void here that the community would pay for

zielu commented 10 months ago

Hi, I always consider feature requests :).

Looking at what you are describing, it looks very similar to what JetBrains already has in their Github plugin https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/work-with-github-pull-requests.html.

If you have ideas how to improve experience working with Git I'm all ears :).