zielu / GitWorktree

Issue tracker for Git Worktree plugin
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[Feature] missing IntelliJ config files in worktree #2

Open bboschrek opened 5 months ago

bboschrek commented 5 months ago

Hello, I have suggesiton on nice feature which could increase usability and seamles working with plugin. Should be a great have option for copy ignored .idea folder for keeping the settings of IDE across work-trees.

Thank you for considering.

zielu commented 5 months ago

Hi, nice idea. I'll look into it.

bboschrek commented 5 months ago

thank you it will make development flow simpler... Also, I found the next challenge when I opened more work trees - it was hard to recognize that I was in the correct window at first sight. I started working in an incorrect instance. If it is possible, it would be nice to have some postfix of work tree after project name in the window name