zierenberg / MonteCarloX.jl

This is a julia package for advanced Monte Carlo simulations of classical equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes
MIT License
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modules in package are to be avoided #27

Closed zierenberg closed 4 years ago

zierenberg commented 4 years ago

Restructure full package to avoid modules. This might cause some problems with the current API. For example


would have to be changed to


or we introduce on Georges advice singletons and let multiple dispatch solve the problem, e.g.

struct Metropolis end
alg = Metroppolis()
function accept(a,b,alg::Metropolis)
function accept(a,b,alg::X) 
fmikulasch commented 4 years ago

this can be closed after commit 0d916817c50dc226935ca9896b2a163224abd827