zigbee2mqtt / hassio-zigbee2mqtt

Official Zigbee2MQTT Home Assistant add-on
Apache License 2.0
1.02k stars 369 forks source link

Add-on can not start after update #552

Closed DevRedOWL closed 6 months ago

DevRedOWL commented 6 months ago

Description of the issue

Z2M is unable to start after update to latest version, same problem persists even after rollback to 34 (For some reason, add-on is trying to use image not maching architecture)

Addon version



Core 2023.12.4 Supervisor 2023.12.0 Operating System (was empty but actually Debian 11 bullseye | aarch64 Linux 6.1.69-v8+ | Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4) Frontend 20231208.2

Logs of the issue (if applicable)

exec /sbin/tini: exec format error

DevRedOWL commented 6 months ago

Few investigation

In my case, raspberry pi is on aarch64 but image is used by addon is amd64

image image

i've also tried to launch the docker image separately but got this (same as in HA logs):


Temporal solution (advanced users only)

Well, i ve managed to launch it by doing the following steps:

  1. Stop Zigbee2MQTT in supervisor console
  2. Remove the improper image
    docker image rm zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt-amd64:1.35.0-1

    In most cases system tells that image is in use (in this case by container 7b6be75b0a45), you can view list with docker ps -a

  3. Then you need to stop and remove the container and after that repeat step 2 (sometimes more than one container uses it)
    docker stop 7b6be75b0a45
    docker rm 7b6be75b0a45  
    # try to remove image again
    docker image rm zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt-amd64:1.35.0-1
  4. Download version for proper architecture (in my case aarch64)
    docker pull zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt-aarch64:1.35.0-1`
  5. Add amd64 tag to this downloaded image, so it can be recognized on startup by the old name:
    docker tag zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt-aarch64:1.35.0-1 zigbee2mqtt/zigbee2mqtt-amd64:1.35.0-1
  6. Try to launch Z2M from HA

Of course it is just a workaround and not really a persistant solution (also it is not very good to name images such way) so hope author will solve this issue soon.

Alter001 commented 6 months ago

Hi, I had the same problem however it was actually not because of the update. I decided to add Dreame vacuum integration (Tasshack/dreame-vacuum) to HA. For some reason, when I have it enabled, I cannot turn on Zigbee2MQTT, it gives me basically different error every time. When I disable Dreame in Integrations, it turns on and works just fine.