zigbeefordomoticz / Domoticz-Zigbee

Zigbee plugin for Domoticz. Allow to connect various zigbee controllers like Zigate but also Texas Instrument CC2531, CC13x2, CC26x2 ; Silicon-Labs; deConz based chipset to be connected to Domoticz
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Lidl and Hue Motion Sensors, no new motion detected while motion keeps happening after the first detection #1720

Closed atmfrenki closed 2 months ago

atmfrenki commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

My problem is simular to this: https://forum.phoscon.de/t/silvercrest-lidl-motion-sensor-usage-and-control-logic-problems/759

I have 2 types of motion sensors, Philips Hue Outdoor and Lidl Indoor. Both sensors have the same problem.

I use them to turn on a light that has to stay on while movement is detected. At some point both motion sensors send an OFF signal while movement is still going on (philips +-30 seconds and Lidl +- 60 seconds) That is not a problem because I made a timer to keep the light on for about 5 minutes after the last OFF signal(Virtual switch). The problem is, the sensors don't turn ON again while motion keeps happening in the room. They only turn ON when there has been no motion in the room voor 60 of 70 seconds (have to leave the room). In domoticz this is a problem, because the ON and OFF signal is a trigger. The senser however does not turn back ON or OFF while it keeps seeing motion. Thats why my light turns off while there is still someone in the room/movement after 5 minutes when the timer runs out.

Somehow the motion sensor "talks" with the zigbee network on another level and negotiates that there is still movement going on. Meanwhile the cooldown periode of 30 seconds or 60 seconds has triggered the OFF switch in ZFD/domoticz, but the sensor still communicates that there is motion going on and won't send the ON signal anymore. (I tried it for 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes....... it always acts the same, until i leave the room for 60/70 seconds, come back in, then the motion sensors sends an ON and OFF signal again.

Expected behavior I expect the motion sensors to keep sending notifications "On and OFF" to domoticz, while movement is still detected when the cooldown of 30 or 60 seconds have past.

Here you see 2 motion activations, while there was constant motion, after 7 minutes I left the room, and after 1 minute/70 seconds I came back, then the new motion was triggered: image

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Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Thanks for all your work on this project, it's great!

pipiche38 commented 3 months ago

Did you set any specific parameters to the Device ? Did you set any specific settings like the Motion should turn off by 30s ?


On Philips Hue there is a Device parameter

PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay, which define the time when the PIR must go Off, by default it is set to 30 seconds

atmfrenki commented 3 months ago

No I left those parameters default, the sensors do turn OFF in domoticz, so I think domoticz receives an OFF signal from the sensor. Or do you think the OFF signal is not coming from the sensors but Domoticz uses the default value to force an OFF state?

That would explain why the sensors never send a new ON signal while motion is happening. The sensor itself dit not turn OFF.

atmfrenki commented 3 months ago

I checked the logs in domoticz an see this ON signal: 2024-03-27 12:08:34.290 ZigbeeForDomoticz: UpdateDevice - ( PIR_Badkamer) 1:On image

But in the logs there is no OFF signal, while the sensor has turned OFF Is the OFF state coming from ZFD or is it a default in Domoticz......


atmfrenki commented 3 months ago

I migrated a few weeks ago from zigbee2mqtt to zigbeefordomoticz, also updated domoticz to 2024 version. Before, i did not have this problem. Don't know if it is because of the zigbee plugin or the newer domoticz version.

pipiche38 commented 3 months ago

You need to look in the plugin WebUI under Device Management

see here after

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 18 31 35

atmfrenki commented 3 months ago

Ok, thanks for the right direction! I didn't look there so it's default settings now i guess.. image

atmfrenki commented 3 months ago

I've been testing, the lidl PIR did not have this value by default, but the Hue already default did had the value. PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay': 30 (I guess that is value you pointed me at?)

I have'set this to "10" , I expect it to be seconds. I did not see any changes in behaviour for the LIDL PIR (The Hue seems to go On and Off on multi occasions within 1 minute, now so that is perfect) The Lidl PIR still needs a "Cool down" time with no motion happening, before it respond again. I think the value is not working for this type sensor.


atmfrenki commented 2 months ago

I tested now by removing all the pre-defined parameters but it did nothing for the lidl motion sensor. No change

pipiche38 commented 2 months ago

I don't know what is the exact Model of the Lidl PIR, but quiet often the Tuya brand (Lidl is OEM it) do not use standard Zigbee and consequently don't have , or have a specific implementation.

Please provides the devices informations by using the "Plugin Raw Devices' export.json from the WebUI and give some indication on how to retreive the Lidl PIR (like its name)

atmfrenki commented 2 months ago

This is the info about the Lidl motion sensor i found:

Version: "3" ZDeviceName: "Bewegingsmelder Badkamer" Status: "inDB" SQN: "6d" Ep: Object {"01":{"0000":{"0004":"_TZ1800_fcdjzz3s","0005":"TY0202","0000":1,"0001":67,"0007":3},"0001":{"0021":200,"0020":31},"0003":{},"0500":{"0000":"01","0001":"000d","0002":"alarm1: 1, alarm2: 0, tamper: 0, battery: 0, Support Reporting: 0, restore Reporting: 1, trouble: 0, acmain: 0, test: 0, battdef: 0"},"0b05":{},"0019":{},"Type":"Motion/Tamper","ClusterType":{"10197":"Motion","10198":"Tamper"}}} Heartbeat: "5036" RIA: "1" LQI: 47 Battery: 100 Model: "TY0202" ForceAckCommands: Array[0] [] MacCapa: "80" IEEE: "cc86ecfffef02b52" Type: "Motion/Tamper" ProfileID: "0104" ZDeviceID: "0402" App Version: 67 Attributes List: Object {} DeviceType: "RFD" HW Version: "" Last Cmds: Array[0] [] LogicalType: "End Device" Manufacturer: "1002" Manufacturer Name: "_TZ1800_fcdjzz3s" NbEp: "1" PowerSource: "Battery" ReadAttributes: Object {"Ep":{"01":{"0000":{"TimeStamp":"08/04/2024 12:51:00","iSQN":{"0004":"08","0000":"08","0001":"08","0005":"09","0007":"09","fffe":"09"},"Attributes":{"0004":"00","0000":"00","0001":"00","0005":"00","0007":"00","fffe":"86"},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0500":{"TimeStamp":"08/04/2024 12:50:54","iSQN":{},"Attributes":{"0000":"00","0001":"00","0002":"00"},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0001":{"TimeStamp":"16/04/2024 09:19:42","iSQN":{},"Attributes":{"0021":"00","0020":"00"},"ZigateRequest":{}}}}} ReceiveOnIdle: "Off" Stack Version: "" Stamp: Object {"time":1713256334.4425168,"Time":"2024-04-16 10:32:14","MsgType":"8011","LastSeen":"16/04/2024 10:32:14"} ZCL Version: 1 Health: "Live" Epv2: Object {"01":{"ProfileID":"0104","ZDeviceID":"0402","ClusterIn":{"0000":{},"0001":{},"0003":{},"0500":{},"0b05":{}},"ClusterOut":{"0019":{}}}} Max Tx: "0052" IAS: Object {"Auto-Enrollment":{"Status":"Enrolled","Ep":{"01":{"Status":"Enrolled","ZoneId":"00"}}},"01":{"EnrolledStatus":1,"ZoneType":13,"ZoneTypeName":"motion","ZoneStatus":{"alarm1":1,"alarm2":0,"tamper":0,"battery":0,"Support Reporting":0,"Restore Reporting":1,"trouble":0,"acmain":0,"test":0,"battdef":0,"doorbell":0,"GlobalInfos":"1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0","TimeStamp":"08/04/2024 12:50:54"}}} WriteAttributes: Object {"Ep":{"01":{"0500":{"TimeStamp":0,"iSQN":{},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0000":{"TimeStamp":0,"iSQN":{},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0001":{"TimeStamp":0,"iSQN":{},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0003":{"TimeStamp":0,"iSQN":{},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0b05":{"TimeStamp":0,"iSQN":{},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0019":{"TimeStamp":0,"iSQN":{},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}}}}} Capability: Array[3] ["Reduced-Function Device","Standard security","NwkAddr should be allocated"] BindingTable: Object {"SQN":0,"Status":"Success","TimeStamp":"08/04/2024 12:50:58","BindingTableSize":2,"Devices":[{"cc86ecfffef02b52":{"sourceEp":"01","Cluster":"0500","targetIEEE":"00124b0023933851","targetNickName":"Zigbee Coordinator","targetEp":"01"}},{"cc86ecfffef02b52":{"sourceEp":"01","Cluster":"0001","targetIEEE":"00124b0023933851","targetNickName":"Zigbee Coordinator","targetEp":"01"}}]} descriptor_capability: "00" bitfield: "4002" OTAClient: Object {"ManufacturerCode":"120b","ImageType":"4c04","CurrentImageVersion":"00000043"} ConfigSource: "DeviceConf" ReadConfigureReporting: Object {"Ep":{"01":{"0001":{"0020":{"TimeStamp":"08/04/2024 12:51:02","Status":"00","DataType":"20","MinInterval":"0005","MaxInterval":"3840","Change":"01"},"0021":{"TimeStamp":"08/04/2024 12:51:02","Status":"00","DataType":"20","MinInterval":"0005","MaxInterval":"3840","Change":"01"}}}},"TimeStamp":"08/04/2024 12:51:02"} Max Rx: "0052" IASBattery: 100 server_mask: "2c00" CertifiedDevice: true ConfigureReporting: Object {"Ep":{"01":{"0001":{"TimeStamp":"08/04/2024 12:50:56","iSQN":{"0020":"07","0021":"07"},"Attributes":{"0020":"00","0021":"00"},"ZigateRequest":{}}}}} Bind: Object {"01":{"0001":{"Target":"0000","Stamp":"08/04/2024 12:50:58","Phase":"binded","Status":"00","i_sqn":"03"}}} macapa: "80" Max Buffer Size: "52" _rawNodeDescriptor: "120b005200522c000080524002" BatteryUpdateTime: "16/04/2024 09:19:42" Param: Object {"ReadAttributeChunk":5,"ForceIASRegistrationEp":"01","MotionViaIASAlarm1":1} CheckParam: false ConsistencyCheck: "ok" ZCL-IN-SQN: Object {"0500":"6d"} RollingLQI: Array[1] [47] NwkID: "ac4b"

pipiche38 commented 2 months ago

My understanding is that there is no way to control the delay OnOff on the Lidl device

atmfrenki commented 2 months ago

Ok thank you for the info, than i am going to look for a sensor that works better for this solution. Thanks again!

atmfrenki commented 2 months ago

The Lidl sensor can not be modified to resolve the problem. Thanks