zigdon / twirssi

An irssi script allowing the use of Twitter from within the IRC client.
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twirssi throws an error when JSON::Any isn't installed #47

Closed sberghel closed 11 years ago

sberghel commented 12 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

1) Install irssi and Net::Twitter (I personally used cpanm) 2) Start irssi 3) Start twirssi inside irssi 4) Look at your status window. There's an error message there.

sberghel commented 12 years ago

Actually, it looks like it's looking for a method in JSON::Any that's not there:

16:29 Can't locate object method "objToJson" via package "JSON::Any" at /Users/sberghel/.irssi/scripts/twirssi.pl line 1839.

I have JSON::Any installed.

gedge commented 12 years ago

I've got JSON::Any 1.29 You?

sberghel commented 12 years ago

I have 1.29 too.

ferrymanders commented 12 years ago

I got the same problem, also 1.29

gedge commented 12 years ago

At the command line - what does this do:

perl -MJSON::Any -e '$d = JSON::Any->objToJson({}) or die;'

ferrymanders commented 12 years ago

Nothing :

$ ./perlmodver JSON::Any JSON::Any: 1.29 $ perl -MJSON::Any -e '$d = JSON::Any->objToJson({}) or die;' $

gedge commented 12 years ago

What version of twirssi?

ferrymanders commented 12 years ago

The latest on the site : v2.5.1beta136 Altho i also had the problem with v2.5.0, but this version ran on my old box without a problem and with JSON::Any on 1.25

sberghel commented 12 years ago

I'm using twirssi v2.5.0 (from twirssi.com ).

gedge commented 12 years ago

sberghel - I can only suggest that you update to the version on github (2.5.1beta140)

ferrymanders - are you sure you've restarted irssi to pick up the latest version of all dependencies?

ferrymanders commented 12 years ago

Yes, i'm running on a fresh FreeBSD 9.0 install with all the latest versions, Also i've restarted irssi multiple times over the last few days while testing twirssi.

ferrymanders commented 12 years ago

an oops from my side ! i updated the script but the autorun one wasn't symlinked and so didn't update :( changing it to a symlink worked for me ! Thnx for your help Gedge !

gedge commented 11 years ago

sberghel - is this still an issue?

sberghel commented 11 years ago

Not on the current version on github.

gedge commented 11 years ago
