zigdon / twirssi

An irssi script allowing the use of Twitter from within the IRC client.
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Irssi continues to block when performing network updates #5

Closed deepseth closed 14 years ago

deepseth commented 14 years ago

0152.57 *\ Haven't been able to get updated tweets since 1:44 caused my irssi to block for ~90sec til that error popped up.

*\ Twirssi v2.4.0; Net::Twitter v3.11008. JSON in use: JSON::XS. See details at http://twirssi.com/ Irssi: Client: irssi 0.8.12 (20071006 0939)

zigdon commented 14 years ago

See if the latest update solved this problem? 2.4.2beta.

deepseth commented 14 years ago

0249.28 *\ <(^) TWIRSSI v2.4.2beta 0251.05 -!- Irssi: Client: irssi 0.8.14 (20090728 1938)

have just upgraded, noticed that it blocks at login too:

0249.21 * Downloading twirssi from http://github.com/zigdon/twirssi/raw/master/twirssi.pl 0249.23 * Updating /home/deeps/.irssi/scripts/autorun/twirssi.pl 0249.23 * Download complete. Reload twirssi with /script load twirssi.pl 0249.28 * <(^) TWIRSSI v2.4.2beta 0249.28 * (_(\ http://twirssi.com/ for full docs 0249.28 * || ` Log in with /twitter_login, send updates with /tweet 0249.28 * Loaded old replies from 55 contacts. 0249.28 * No search subscriptions set up 0249.28 * Not following all replies by anyone 0249.28 * Loading WWW::Shorten::TinyURL... 0249.28 * Twitter timeout set to 30 0249.30 * Logged in as deepseth@Twitter, loading friends list... 0250.04 *\ loaded friends: 83

note the time stamp difference in the last 3 lines, when irssi blocked the display was as follows:

0249.28 *\ Loading WWW::Shorten::TinyURL... 0249.28

will continue to monitor the situation re: unable to get updated tweets and post as and when i see any issue (just saw an issue now which is what prompted me to check this post! :)

zigdon commented 14 years ago

Yeah, the login blocks right now, but that is unrelated to hanging on polling. Please update this issue if you see the polling hang again.

deepseth commented 14 years ago

Just got 0926.37 *\ Haven't been able to get updated tweets since 9:19 but didn't notice irssi block. looks promising!

deepseth commented 14 years ago

1001.38 *\ Haven't been able to get updated tweets since 9:54 again today, but no blocking again! looking good!

deepseth commented 14 years ago

confirmed, was using IRC extensively this morning when it happened again without experiencing any noticable blocking! thanks! case closed i think :)