zigdon / twirssi

An irssi script allowing the use of Twitter from within the IRC client.
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Full text of retweets isn't shown if "RT @username" + original tweet is longer than 140 characters #60

Closed sberghel closed 11 years ago

sberghel commented 11 years ago

Let's say the celebrity LongUsername posts the following tweet:

"This tweet is incredibly awesome and stunning because its length is exactly one hundred and forty characters! #ahundredfortycharacters #140c"

My good friend BuddyPal retweets it. On Twitter, I would get to see the entire length of LongUsername's tweet. On Twirssi, it truncates, like so:

@buddypal: RT @LongUsername This tweet is incredibly awesome and stunning because its length is exactly one hundred and forty characters! #ahundred ...

This makes it impossible to read most retweets using twirssi.

zigdon commented 11 years ago

I'm pretty sure this was fixed a while back, here:


See if you're running an older version?

sberghel commented 11 years ago

I was running 2.5.0, not 2.5.1. Thanks!