ziggi / FCNPC

FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC
Apache License 2.0
129 stars 29 forks source link

FCNPC_OnCreate isn't getting called. (Under OnGameModeInit) #200

Closed CantBeKarma closed 10 months ago

CantBeKarma commented 4 years ago

For some reason FCNPC_OnCreate isn't getting called at all after creating an NPC. I'm using the latest release as of making this (https://github.com/ziggi/FCNPC/releases/tag/v2.0.0-rc.7) specifically for 0.3.DL. I've also tried using the other 0.3.DL release and FCNPC_OnCreate isn't getting called. This is the test script:

#include <a_samp>
#include <FCNPC> 
#include <ColAndreas>

    print("  Blank Gamemode\n");

public OnGameModeInit()
    return 1;

public FCNPC_OnCreate(npcid)
    printf("FCNPC_OnCreate: %i", npcid);
    return 1;

The results (server-log):

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.DL-R1, (C)2005-2018 SA-MP Team

[22:28:18] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[22:28:18] Server Plugins
[22:28:18] --------------
[22:28:18]  Loading plugin: ColAndreas
[22:28:18] *********************
[22:28:18] ** Created By:     **
[22:28:18] ** [uL]Chris42O    **
[22:28:18] ** [uL]Slice       **
[22:28:18] ** [uL]Pottus      **
[22:28:18] *********************
[22:28:20] Loaded collision data.
[22:28:20] *********************
[22:28:20]   ColAndreas Loaded
[22:28:20]    v1.4.0
[22:28:20] *********************
[22:28:20]   Loaded.
[22:28:20]  Loading plugin: FCNPC-DL
[22:28:20] -------------------------------------------------
[22:28:20]      FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC v2.0.0
[22:28:20]             Windows SA-MP 0.3.DL R1
[22:28:20]            Jan  2 2019 at 23:09:26
[22:28:20]   Author:       OrMisicL (2013 - 2015)
[22:28:20]   Continued by: ziggi    (2016 - present)
[22:28:20]   See full credits in the README.md file
[22:28:20] -------------------------------------------------
[22:28:20] Loading...
[22:28:20] -------------------------------------------------
[22:28:20]    ColAndreasv1.4.0
[22:28:20]    Created By:
[22:28:20]      [uL]Chris42O
[22:28:20]      [uL]Slice
[22:28:20]      [uL]Pottus
[22:28:20] -------------------------------------------------
[22:28:20] Loading...
[22:28:20] ColAndreas v1.4.0 Loaded.
[22:28:20]   Loaded.
[22:28:20]  Loaded 2 plugins.

[22:28:20] [artwork:crc] lvpdpc2.dff CRC = 0xFBD1EA7C
[22:28:20] [artwork:crc] lvpdpc2.txd CRC = 0xDC92731E
[22:28:20] [artwork:crc] lapdpd2.dff CRC = 0xA558D422
[22:28:20] [artwork:crc] lapdpd2.txd CRC = 0xA442E2DA
[22:28:20] [artwork:crc] wallzzz.dff CRC = 0x4BC6EDFF
[22:28:20] [artwork:crc] wallzzz.txd CRC = 0x235E3EEB
[22:28:20] Filterscripts
[22:28:20] ---------------
[22:28:20]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[22:28:24] Loaded collision data.
[22:28:24] [npc:join] Test has joined the server (999:
[22:28:24]   Blank Gamemode

[22:28:24] ----------------------------------

[22:28:24] Number of vehicle models: 0

It shows the NPC has connected, however it just doesn't call FCNPC_OnCreate, yeah. I've even tried printing within the include, specifically where it's hooking FCNPC_OnCreate and it doesn't print anything at all.

WoutProvost commented 4 years ago

One thing I can say is the following, which is also mentioned on the wiki: You also don't need to load the ColAndreas separately in server.cfg, since FCNPC loads this automatically!

Is it only FCNPC_OnCreate, or also other FCNPC callbacks?

WoutProvost commented 4 years ago

Just tested on my own.

It seems like FCNPC_OnCreate doesn't get called when you use FCNPC_Create under OnGameModeInit. I also tested FCNPC_Spawn and FCNPC_OnSpawn isn't getting called either. When I delay the creation of the NPC with a timer, the callback does get called. I also tested this on non-DL and the result is exactly the same.

It seems that it has something to do with when the server is starting.

EDIT: I did some further testing, to see if other plugins had the same problem. Turns out it's only FCNPC. I used the following minimal server.cfg:

maxnpc 10
rcon_password 1234
gamemode0 bare 1
plugins streamer FCNPC

and the following minimal gamemode:

#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>
#include <FCNPC>

main() {}

public OnGameModeInit()
    new obj = CreateObject(1271, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    MoveObject(obj, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1);

    new obj2 = CreateDynamicObject(1271, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    MoveDynamicObject(obj2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1);

    new npc = FCNPC_Create("testNPC");
    FCNPC_Spawn(npc, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;

public OnObjectMoved(objectid)
    return 1;

public OnDynamicObjectMoved(STREAMER_TAG_OBJECT:objectid)
    print("DYN MOVED");
    return 1;

public FCNPC_OnCreate(npcid)
    print("NPC CREATE");
    return 1;

This is the output:

[npc:join] testNPC has joined the server (49:
Number of vehicle models: 0

As you can see, both MOVED from the regular object and DYN MOVED from the streamer object are displayed as should be, but NPC CREATE isn't.

Fairuz-Afdhal commented 4 years ago

I also encountered this problem, any fix other than using it outside gamemode or using timer?

0Z0SK0 commented 1 year ago

Wait 5 ticks for each FCNPC_Create. (with PawnPlus for example)

0Z0SK0 commented 1 year ago

Or (BE CAREFUL!!!) call CallbackManager::Init inside OnSpawn or OnCreate callbacks, and recompile plugin.

ziggi commented 10 months ago

This can be easily fixed by moving the CCallbackManager::Init(); call inside the AmxLoad function, but this will break compatibility with YSI (YSI breaks AMX addresses or something like that). Some people are using YSI, so I added the FCNPC_OnInit callback, so just put yours FCNPC_Create inside the callback and everything will work fine.
