ziggi / FCNPC

FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC
Apache License 2.0
125 stars 30 forks source link

FCNPC крашит сервер #278

Closed neviolent closed 1 year ago

neviolent commented 1 year ago


FCNPC запускается вместе с сервером, все хорошо, однако когда любой игрок заходит на сервер он крашится. Посчитал, что проблема из-за Ubuntu 22.04, откатился к Ubuntu 20.04, проблема сохранилась. Перепробовал все версии плагина, ничего не помогает. Мод пролежал без действия полгода, решив загрузить на VDS происходит такая фигня, в моде никаких правок больше не было. Ранее Ваш плагин отлично взаимодействовал со всеми моими скриптами. В чем может быть дело?



=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================
Signal 11 (Segmentation fault), address is 3306 from f7a9890a

  #0 in plugins/FCNPC.so(_ZN17CExceptionHandler24ExceptionHandlerCallbackEiP9siginfo_tPv+0x126) [0xf62626e6]
  #1 in linux-gate.so.1(__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0) [0xf7f2db70]
  #2 in /lib32/libc.so.6(+0x8d90a) [0xf7a9890a]
  #3 in /home/Demise/plugins/../log-core.so(samplog_LogNativeCall+0x77) [0xf757a5f7]
  #4 in plugins/mysql.so(+0x3db31) [0xf75ceb31]
  #5 in plugins/mysql.so(+0x57b34) [0xf75e8b34]
  #6 in ./samp03svr() [0x80950e4]
  #7 in ./samp03svr() [0x8096b85]
  #8 in plugins/streamer.so(+0x38676) [0xf796b676]
  #9 in ./samp03svr() [0x80dfd62]

  System: GNU/Linux
  SA-MP: 0.3.7 R2
  FCNPC: 2.0.4

  FUNC_CPlayerPool__DeletePlayer: 0x80d0a90
  FUNC_CPlayer__Kill: 0x80cb220
  FUNC_CPlayer__EnterVehicle: 0x80cc1c0
  FUNC_CPlayer__ExitVehicle: 0x80cc340
  FUNC_CPlayer__SpawnForWorld: 0x80ccfc0
  FUNC_GetVehicleModelInfo: 0x80d5d30
  FUNC_CConsole__GetIntVariable: 0x80a0070
  FUNC_ClientJoin_RPC: 0x80b0030

  VAR_ServerAuthentication: 0x81aa8a8
  VAR_NetVersion: 0xfd9

  OFFSET_RemoteSystemManager: 0x334
  OFFSET_RemoteSystemSize: 0xc69
  OFFSET_RemoteSystem__ConnectMode: 0xc62
  OFFSET_RemoteSystem__Unknown: 0xc67
=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================

Логи сервера:

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[15:55:07] password = ""  (string)
[15:55:07] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[15:55:07] Server Plugins
[15:55:07] --------------
[15:55:07]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[15:55:07]  ===============================

[15:55:07]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[15:55:07]          Version:  2.8.2        

[15:55:07]    (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[15:55:07]  ===============================

[15:55:07]   Loaded.
[15:55:07]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[15:55:07]   Loaded.
[15:55:07]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
[15:55:07]  >> plugin.mysql: R41-2 successfully loaded.
[15:55:07]   Loaded.
[15:55:07]  Loading plugin: FCNPC.so
[15:55:07] -------------------------------------------------
[15:55:07]      FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC v2.0.4
[15:55:07]             GNU/Linux SA-MP 0.3.7 R2
[15:55:07]            Nov 17 2021 at 02:37:24
[15:55:07]   Author:       OrMisicL (2013 - 2015)
[15:55:07]   Continued by: ziggi    (2016 - present)
[15:55:07]   See full credits in the README.md file
[15:55:07] -------------------------------------------------
[15:55:07] Loading...
[15:55:07] -------------------------------------------------
[15:55:07]    ColAndreasv1.4.0
[15:55:07]    Created By:
[15:55:07]      [uL]Chris42O
[15:55:07]      [uL]Slice
[15:55:07]      [uL]Pottus
[15:55:07] -------------------------------------------------
[15:55:07] Loading...
[15:55:07] ColAndreas v1.4.0 Loaded.
[15:55:07]   Loaded.
[15:55:07]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[15:55:07] Filterscripts
[15:55:07] ---------------
[15:55:07]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[15:55:07] No collision data found.
[15:55:07]  ======================================= 
[15:55:07]  |                                     | 
[15:55:07]  |        YSI version 1.03.0011        | 
[15:55:07]  |        By Alex "Y_Less" Cole        | 
[15:55:07]  |                                     | 
[15:55:07]  |  Checking the latest YSI version..  | 
[15:55:07]  |                                     | 
[15:55:07]  ======================================= 
[15:55:07] |-------------------------------|
[15:55:07] Подключение к БД...
[15:55:07] Подключение к базе данных удалось
[15:55:07] |-------------------------------|
[15:55:07] Loading bots...
[15:55:07] 133
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_0 has joined the server (999:
[15:55:07] [0] Бот Zombie_0 создан | X 1342.900024 | Y 247.156997 | Z 19.407800 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_1 has joined the server (998:
[15:55:07] [1] Бот Zombie_1 создан | X 1407.780029 | Y 273.174987 | Z 19.406200 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_2 has joined the server (997:
[15:55:07] [2] Бот Zombie_2 создан | X 1260.130004 | Y 194.871002 | Z 19.406200 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_3 has joined the server (996:
[15:55:07] [3] Бот Zombie_3 создан | X 1204.579956 | Y 304.859985 | Z 19.406200 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_4 has joined the server (995:
[15:55:07] [4] Бот Zombie_4 создан | X 1249.719970 | Y 347.756988 | Z 19.406200 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_5 has joined the server (994:
[15:55:07] [5] Бот Zombie_5 создан | X 1351.699951 | Y 407.845001 | Z 19.554700 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_6 has joined the server (993:
[15:55:07] [6] Бот Zombie_6 создан | X 1405.709960 | Y 447.010009 | Z 20.117700 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_7 has joined the server (992:
[15:55:07] [7] Бот Zombie_7 создан | X 1438.140014 | Y 371.912994 | Z 19.375499 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_8 has joined the server (991:
[15:55:07] [8] Бот Zombie_8 создан | X 1438.479980 | Y 312.354003 | Z 18.987400 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_9 has joined the server (990:
[15:55:07] [9] Бот Zombie_9 создан | X 1534.420043 | Y 20.010499 | Z 24.140600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_10 has joined the server (989:
[15:55:07] [10] Бот Zombie_10 создан | X 1515.790039 | Y 10.036199 | Z 24.140600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_11 has joined the server (988:
[15:55:07] [11] Бот Zombie_11 создан | X 1549.630004 | Y -30.128400 | Z 21.328800 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_12 has joined the server (987:
[15:55:07] [12] Бот Zombie_12 создан | X 2004.219970 | Y -1449.209960 | Z 13.923999 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_13 has joined the server (986:
[15:55:07] [13] Бот Zombie_13 создан | X 2255.790039 | Y -1650.439941 | Z 15.476099 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_14 has joined the server (985:
[15:55:07] [14] Бот Zombie_14 создан | X 2351.580078 | Y -1714.989990 | Z 13.531800 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_15 has joined the server (984:
[15:55:07] [15] Бот Zombie_15 создан | X 2371.280029 | Y -1806.430053 | Z 13.554599 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_16 has joined the server (983:
[15:55:07] [16] Бот Zombie_16 создан | X 2578.669921 | Y -1724.560058 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_17 has joined the server (982:
[15:55:07] [17] Бот Zombie_17 создан | X 2502.790039 | Y -1924.699951 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_18 has joined the server (981:
[15:55:07] [18] Бот Zombie_18 создан | X 2472.189941 | Y -1939.050048 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_19 has joined the server (980:
[15:55:07] [19] Бот Zombie_19 создан | X 2244.760009 | Y -1741.270019 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_20 has joined the server (979:
[15:55:07] [20] Бот Zombie_20 создан | X 2091.080078 | Y -1821.930053 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_21 has joined the server (978:
[15:55:07] [21] Бот Zombie_21 создан | X 1950.000000 | Y -1769.829956 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_22 has joined the server (977:
[15:55:07] [22] Бот Zombie_22 создан | X 1862.839965 | Y -1882.369995 | Z 13.447699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_23 has joined the server (976:
[15:55:07] [23] Бот Zombie_23 создан | X 1785.260009 | Y -1921.949951 | Z 13.391599 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_24 has joined the server (975:
[15:55:07] [24] Бот Zombie_24 создан | X 1633.520019 | Y -1895.709960 | Z 13.555800 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_25 has joined the server (974:
[15:55:07] [25] Бот Zombie_25 создан | X 1562.369995 | Y -1767.869995 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_26 has joined the server (973:
[15:55:07] [26] Бот Zombie_26 создан | X 1475.709960 | Y -1725.020019 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_27 has joined the server (972:
[15:55:07] [27] Бот Zombie_27 создан | X 1431.060058 | Y -1739.949951 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_28 has joined the server (971:
[15:55:07] [28] Бот Zombie_28 создан | X 1421.400024 | Y -1678.540039 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_29 has joined the server (970:
[15:55:07] [29] Бот Zombie_29 создан | X 1448.709960 | Y -1665.750000 | Z 13.553000 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_30 has joined the server (969:
[15:55:07] [30] Бот Zombie_30 создан | X 1476.719970 | Y -1696.589965 | Z 14.046899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_31 has joined the server (968:
[15:55:07] [31] Бот Zombie_31 создан | X 1466.400024 | Y -1620.920043 | Z 14.039299 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_32 has joined the server (967:
[15:55:07] [32] Бот Zombie_32 создан | X 1510.650024 | Y -1601.140014 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_33 has joined the server (966:
[15:55:07] [33] Бот Zombie_33 создан | X 1324.160034 | Y -1555.290039 | Z 13.539699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_34 has joined the server (965:
[15:55:07] [34] Бот Zombie_34 создан | X 1288.619995 | Y -1388.079956 | Z 13.539699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_35 has joined the server (964:
[15:55:07] [35] Бот Zombie_35 создан | X 1186.760009 | Y -1330.199951 | Z 13.560600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_36 has joined the server (963:
[15:55:07] [36] Бот Zombie_36 создан | X 1186.859985 | Y -1314.849975 | Z 13.564700 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_37 has joined the server (962:
[15:55:07] [37] Бот Zombie_37 создан | X 1208.619995 | Y -1220.280029 | Z 17.970600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_38 has joined the server (961:
[15:55:07] [38] Бот Zombie_38 создан | X 1212.020019 | Y -1143.930053 | Z 24.016500 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_39 has joined the server (960:
[15:55:07] [39] Бот Zombie_39 создан | X 904.221008 | Y -1088.339965 | Z 24.296899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_40 has joined the server (959:
[15:55:07] [40] Бот Zombie_40 создан | X 857.278991 | Y -1108.209960 | Z 24.237600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_41 has joined the server (958:
[15:55:07] [41] Бот Zombie_41 создан | X 930.184997 | Y -1119.920043 | Z 24.296899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_42 has joined the server (957:
[15:55:07] [42] Бот Zombie_42 создан | X 927.997009 | Y -1075.750000 | Z 24.289100 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_43 has joined the server (956:
[15:55:07] [43] Бот Zombie_43 создан | X 859.375000 | Y -1127.680053 | Z 24.296899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_44 has joined the server (955:
[15:55:07] [44] Бот Zombie_44 создан | X 672.914001 | Y -1264.290039 | Z 13.625000 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_45 has joined the server (954:
[15:55:07] [45] Бот Zombie_45 создан | X 619.588989 | Y -1385.300048 | Z 13.703499 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_46 has joined the server (953:
[15:55:07] [46] Бот Zombie_46 создан | X 502.515991 | Y -1358.209960 | Z 16.125200 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_47 has joined the server (952:
[15:55:07] [47] Бот Zombie_47 создан | X 402.123992 | Y -1333.680053 | Z 15.186400 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_48 has joined the server (951:
[15:55:07] [48] Бот Zombie_48 создан | X 262.941986 | Y -1438.869995 | Z 14.497300 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_49 has joined the server (950:
[15:55:07] [49] Бот Zombie_49 создан | X 147.703994 | Y -1585.380004 | Z 13.069199 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_50 has joined the server (949:
[15:55:07] [50] Бот Zombie_50 создан | X 63.189800 | Y -1531.489990 | Z 5.164120 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_51 has joined the server (948:
[15:55:07] [51] Бот Zombie_51 создан | X 49.869201 | Y -1537.949951 | Z 5.149730 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_52 has joined the server (947:
[15:55:07] [52] Бот Zombie_52 создан | X -54.633800 | Y -1575.599975 | Z 2.610719 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_53 has joined the server (946:
[15:55:07] [53] Бот Zombie_53 создан | X -74.873802 | Y -1591.130004 | Z 2.617189 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_54 has joined the server (945:
[15:55:07] [54] Бот Zombie_54 создан | X -91.544296 | Y -1581.790039 | Z 2.617189 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_55 has joined the server (944:
[15:55:07] [55] Бот Zombie_55 создан | X -83.719703 | Y -1556.859985 | Z 2.610719 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_56 has joined the server (943:
[15:55:07] [56] Бот Zombie_56 создан | X -256.708007 | Y -1750.199951 | Z 5.442150 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_57 has joined the server (942:
[15:55:07] [57] Бот Zombie_57 создан | X -509.285003 | Y -1852.280029 | Z 17.246799 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_58 has joined the server (941:
[15:55:07] [58] Бот Zombie_58 создан | X -730.190979 | Y -1859.089965 | Z 13.428199 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_59 has joined the server (940:
[15:55:07] [59] Бот Zombie_59 создан | X -1001.109985 | Y -1925.650024 | Z 79.302902 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_60 has joined the server (939:
[15:55:07] [60] Бот Zombie_60 создан | X -1305.260009 | Y -2188.669921 | Z 22.517999 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_61 has joined the server (938:
[15:55:07] [61] Бот Zombie_61 создан | X -1568.260009 | Y -2140.570068 | Z 15.568699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_62 has joined the server (937:
[15:55:07] [62] Бот Zombie_62 создан | X -1646.609985 | Y -2252.469970 | Z 31.649099 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_63 has joined the server (936:
[15:55:07] [63] Бот Zombie_63 создан | X -1927.050048 | Y -2419.159912 | Z 30.625000 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_64 has joined the server (935:
[15:55:07] [64] Бот Zombie_64 создан | X -2079.530029 | Y -2520.540039 | Z 30.810800 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_65 has joined the server (934:
[15:55:07] [65] Бот Zombie_65 создан | X -2203.379882 | Y -2422.110107 | Z 30.625000 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_66 has joined the server (933:
[15:55:07] [66] Бот Zombie_66 создан | X -2129.580078 | Y -2297.530029 | Z 30.781700 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_67 has joined the server (932:
[15:55:07] [67] Бот Zombie_67 создан | X -2165.300048 | Y -2523.540039 | Z 30.617200 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_68 has joined the server (931:
[15:55:07] [68] Бот Zombie_68 создан | X -2417.239990 | Y -2308.449951 | Z 16.968700 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_69 has joined the server (930:
[15:55:07] [69] Бот Zombie_69 создан | X -2697.840087 | Y -2020.459960 | Z 44.219699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_70 has joined the server (929:
[15:55:07] [70] Бот Zombie_70 создан | X -2870.149902 | Y -1961.300048 | Z 37.696201 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_71 has joined the server (928:
[15:55:07] [71] Бот Zombie_71 создан | X -2910.459960 | Y -1274.180053 | Z 11.007599 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_72 has joined the server (927:
[15:55:07] [72] Бот Zombie_72 создан | X -316.859985 | Y -949.731994 | Z 50.640598 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_73 has joined the server (926:
[15:55:07] [73] Бот Zombie_73 создан | X -359.716003 | Y -1037.680053 | Z 60.591400 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_74 has joined the server (925:
[15:55:07] [74] Бот Zombie_74 создан | X -373.821990 | Y -1047.670043 | Z 59.226699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_75 has joined the server (924:
[15:55:07] [75] Бот Zombie_75 создан | X -586.736022 | Y -1070.000000 | Z 23.431600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_76 has joined the server (923:
[15:55:07] [76] Бот Zombie_76 создан | X -560.937988 | Y -1041.319946 | Z 24.060400 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_77 has joined the server (922:
[15:55:07] [77] Бот Zombie_77 создан | X -564.111022 | Y -1477.189941 | Z 10.049300 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_78 has joined the server (921:
[15:55:07] [78] Бот Zombie_78 создан | X -377.098999 | Y -1429.479980 | Z 26.307600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_79 has joined the server (920:
[15:55:07] [79] Бот Zombie_79 создан | X -398.100006 | Y -1452.209960 | Z 26.175199 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_80 has joined the server (919:
[15:55:07] [80] Бот Zombie_80 создан | X -363.657012 | Y -1610.969970 | Z 24.122600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_81 has joined the server (918:
[15:55:07] [81] Бот Zombie_81 создан | X -449.475006 | Y -2114.320068 | Z 90.428199 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_82 has joined the server (917:
[15:55:07] [82] Бот Zombie_82 создан | X -369.832000 | Y -2348.610107 | Z 86.667800 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_83 has joined the server (916:
[15:55:07] [83] Бот Zombie_83 создан | X -434.527008 | Y -2666.090087 | Z 155.445007 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_84 has joined the server (915:
[15:55:07] [84] Бот Zombie_84 создан | X -594.252014 | Y -2641.110107 | Z 140.800994 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_85 has joined the server (914:
[15:55:07] [85] Бот Zombie_85 создан | X -888.015014 | Y -2849.600097 | Z 67.750999 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_86 has joined the server (913:
[15:55:07] [86] Бот Zombie_86 создан | X 188.447998 | Y -148.744995 | Z 1.570330 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_87 has joined the server (912:
[15:55:07] [87] Бот Zombie_87 создан | X 239.992004 | Y 16.634500 | Z 2.578119 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_88 has joined the server (911:
[15:55:07] [88] Бот Zombie_88 создан | X 1059.099975 | Y 182.388000 | Z 32.420501 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_89 has joined the server (910:
[15:55:07] [89] Бот Zombie_89 создан | X 953.070983 | Y 324.532989 | Z 24.086200 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_90 has joined the server (909:
[15:55:07] [90] Бот Zombie_90 создан | X 2767.139892 | Y 427.850006 | Z 8.289750 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_91 has joined the server (908:
[15:55:07] [91] Бот Zombie_91 создан | X 2868.959960 | Y -695.633972 | Z 11.348299 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_92 has joined the server (907:
[15:55:07] [92] Бот Zombie_92 создан | X 2905.040039 | Y -696.995971 | Z 10.984600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_93 has joined the server (906:
[15:55:07] [93] Бот Zombie_93 создан | X 2853.270019 | Y -714.145996 | Z 12.259900 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_94 has joined the server (905:
[15:55:07] [94] Бот Zombie_94 создан | X 2848.239990 | Y -647.346984 | Z 10.820300 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_95 has joined the server (904:
[15:55:07] [95] Бот Zombie_95 создан | X 2857.590087 | Y -637.736022 | Z 10.996500 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_96 has joined the server (903:
[15:55:07] [96] Бот Zombie_96 создан | X 2870.300048 | Y -638.297973 | Z 10.876700 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_97 has joined the server (902:
[15:55:07] [97] Бот Zombie_97 создан | X 2880.860107 | Y -634.721984 | Z 10.835900 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_98 has joined the server (901:
[15:55:07] [98] Бот Zombie_98 создан | X 2882.169921 | Y -650.966979 | Z 10.835900 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_99 has joined the server (900:
[15:55:07] [99] Бот Zombie_99 создан | X 2840.729980 | Y -631.888000 | Z 11.568799 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_100 has joined the server (899:
[15:55:07] [100] Бот Zombie_100 создан | X 2883.219970 | Y -835.026977 | Z 10.948300 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_101 has joined the server (898:
[15:55:07] [101] Бот Zombie_101 создан | X 2820.840087 | Y -1083.479980 | Z 32.109699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_102 has joined the server (897:
[15:55:07] [102] Бот Zombie_102 создан | X 2857.110107 | Y -1229.000000 | Z 23.202600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_103 has joined the server (896:
[15:55:07] [103] Бот Zombie_103 создан | X 2933.379882 | Y -1474.640014 | Z 11.038299 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_104 has joined the server (895:
[15:55:07] [104] Бот Zombie_104 создан | X 2816.340087 | Y -1696.030029 | Z 12.274900 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_105 has joined the server (894:
[15:55:07] [105] Бот Zombie_105 создан | X 2585.310058 | Y -1609.609985 | Z 19.358200 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_106 has joined the server (893:
[15:55:07] [106] Бот Zombie_106 создан | X 2483.379882 | Y -1688.780029 | Z 13.513199 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_107 has joined the server (892:
[15:55:07] [107] Бот Zombie_107 создан | X 2455.030029 | Y -1893.780029 | Z 15.088299 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_108 has joined the server (891:
[15:55:07] [108] Бот Zombie_108 создан | X 2494.669921 | Y -2010.849975 | Z 13.309900 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_109 has joined the server (890:
[15:55:07] [109] Бот Zombie_109 создан | X 2210.560058 | Y -2232.889892 | Z 16.265300 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_110 has joined the server (889:
[15:55:07] [110] Бот Zombie_110 создан | X 2181.899902 | Y -2319.669921 | Z 13.546899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_111 has joined the server (888:
[15:55:07] [111] Бот Zombie_111 создан | X 2136.949951 | Y -2421.429931 | Z 13.687299 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_112 has joined the server (887:
[15:55:07] [112] Бот Zombie_112 создан | X 1846.020019 | Y -2491.070068 | Z 13.554699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_113 has joined the server (886:
[15:55:07] [113] Бот Zombie_113 создан | X 1765.500000 | Y -2579.080078 | Z 14.101900 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_114 has joined the server (885:
[15:55:07] [114] Бот Zombie_114 создан | X 1569.180053 | Y -2499.290039 | Z 13.554699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_115 has joined the server (884:
[15:55:07] [115] Бот Zombie_115 создан | X 1375.890014 | Y -2504.070068 | Z 13.554699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_116 has joined the server (883:
[15:55:07] [116] Бот Zombie_116 создан | X 1482.369995 | Y -2408.679931 | Z 13.554699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_117 has joined the server (882:
[15:55:07] [117] Бот Zombie_117 создан | X 1319.890014 | Y -2385.830078 | Z 21.963399 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_118 has joined the server (881:
[15:55:07] [118] Бот Zombie_118 создан | X 1145.880004 | Y -2363.050048 | Z 13.279600 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_119 has joined the server (880:
[15:55:07] [119] Бот Zombie_119 создан | X 1107.810058 | Y -2244.379882 | Z 49.245498 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_120 has joined the server (879:
[15:55:07] [120] Бот Zombie_120 создан | X 1138.949951 | Y -2127.989990 | Z 70.866996 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_121 has joined the server (878:
[15:55:07] [121] Бот Zombie_121 создан | X 1145.800048 | Y -2028.150024 | Z 69.000602 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_122 has joined the server (877:
[15:55:07] [122] Бот Zombie_122 создан | X 1017.380004 | Y -1883.150024 | Z 13.084699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_123 has joined the server (876:
[15:55:07] [123] Бот Zombie_123 создан | X 836.135986 | Y -1840.180053 | Z 13.945199 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_124 has joined the server (875:
[15:55:07] [124] Бот Zombie_124 создан | X 639.914978 | Y -1857.000000 | Z 5.460939 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_125 has joined the server (874:
[15:55:07] [125] Бот Zombie_125 создан | X 498.044006 | Y -1832.939941 | Z 5.374330 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_126 has joined the server (873:
[15:55:07] [126] Бот Zombie_126 создан | X 316.053009 | Y -1842.699951 | Z 3.530930 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_127 has joined the server (872:
[15:55:07] [127] Бот Zombie_127 создан | X 187.375000 | Y -1809.530029 | Z 4.382289 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_128 has joined the server (871:
[15:55:07] [128] Бот Zombie_128 создан | X 177.119003 | Y -1690.510009 | Z 13.930899 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_129 has joined the server (870:
[15:55:07] [129] Бот Zombie_129 создан | X 233.115997 | Y -1605.030029 | Z 33.245800 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_130 has joined the server (869:
[15:55:07] [130] Бот Zombie_130 создан | X 1883.979980 | Y 114.908996 | Z 34.901699 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_131 has joined the server (868:
[15:55:07] [131] Бот Zombie_131 создан | X 1745.439941 | Y 81.114402 | Z 31.958099 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] [npc:join] Zombie_132 has joined the server (867:
[15:55:07] [132] Бот Zombie_132 создан | X 2031.689941 | Y 261.148010 | Z 26.673799 | Health 500.000000
[15:55:07] Number of vehicle models: 21
[15:55:07]  ======================================= 
[15:55:07]  |                                     | 
[15:55:07]  |   Error: Could not connect to YSI   | 
[15:55:07]  |  update server (response was 301).  | 
[15:55:07]  |                                     | 
[15:55:07]  ======================================= 
[15:55:27] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:55:28] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[15:55:28] [join] Near has joined the server (0:
ziggi commented 1 year ago

Судя по логам проблема в log-core (mysql), попробуй без них

neviolent commented 1 year ago

Все, проблему решил) Действительно, перед этим я шаманил и заменил MySQL плагин и инклуд в проекте на иную версию, вытащил старую версию и все заработало.
