ziggi / FCNPC

FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC
Apache License 2.0
125 stars 30 forks source link

FCNPC_OnCreate and FCNPC_OnSpawn Callback Problem #296

Closed AtlanticCityRoleplay closed 10 months ago

AtlanticCityRoleplay commented 10 months ago

FCNPC_OnCreate and FCNPC_OnSpawn callback is not Being Called...

Code: https://github.com/ziggi/FCNPC/blob/master/sampsvr_files/filterscripts/traindrivers_pilots.pwn


public FCNPC_OnCreate(npcid)
    print("Test Create");
    return 1;

public FCNPC_OnSpawn(npcid)
    print("Test Spawn");
    return 1;


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[19:53:30] Server Plugins
[19:53:30] --------------
[19:53:30]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[19:53:31]  ===============================
[19:53:31]       sscanf plugin loaded.     
[19:53:31]          Version: 2.13.8
[19:53:31]    (c) 2022 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  
[19:53:31]  ===============================
[19:53:31]   Loaded.
[19:53:31]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.dll
[19:53:31]   CrashDetect plugin 4.21
[19:53:31]   Loaded.
[19:53:31]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[19:53:31]   Loaded.
[19:53:31]  Loading plugin: FCNPC.dll
[19:53:31] -------------------------------------------------
[19:53:31]      FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC v2.0.5
[19:53:31]             Windows SA-MP 0.3.7 R2
[19:53:31]            Jul 22 2023 at 12:54:18
[19:53:31]   Author:       OrMisicL (2013 - 2015)
[19:53:31]   Continued by: ziggi    (2016 - present)
[19:53:31]   See full credits in the README.md file
[19:53:31] -------------------------------------------------
[19:53:31] Loading...
[19:53:31] -------------------------------------------------
[19:53:31]    ColAndreasv1.4.0
[19:53:31]    Created By:
[19:53:31]      [uL]Chris42O
[19:53:31]      [uL]Slice
[19:53:31]      [uL]Pottus
[19:53:31] -------------------------------------------------
[19:53:31] Loading...
[19:53:31] ColAndreas v1.4.0 Loaded.
[19:53:31]   Loaded.
[19:53:31]  Loading plugin: timerfix.dll
[19:53:31]   >> TimerFix v1.5 successfully loaded.
[19:53:31]   Loaded.
[19:53:31]  Loading plugin: pawncmd.dll
[19:53:31] [Pawn.CMD] plugin v3.4.0 loading...
[19:53:31] [Pawn.CMD] 

    | Pawn.CMD 3.4.0 | 2016 - 2023
    | Author and maintainer: katursis

    | Compiled: Feb 12 2023 at 18:12:31
    | Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.CMD

[19:53:31]   Loaded.
[19:53:31]  Loading plugin: SKY.dll
[19:53:31]  ===============================
[19:53:31]    < SKY - 2.3.0 >
[19:53:31]    (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers
[19:53:31]    (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman
[19:53:31]    Server Version: 0.3.7 R2
[19:53:31]    Operating System: Windows
[19:53:31]    Built on: Sep 27 2021 at 23:19:52
[19:53:31]  ===============================
[19:53:31]   Loaded.
[19:53:31]  Loading plugin: mysql.dll
[19:53:31]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[19:53:31]   Loaded.
[19:53:31]  Loading plugin: discord-connector.dll
[19:53:36]  >> plugin.dc-connector: v0.3.5 successfully loaded.
[19:53:36]   Loaded.
[19:53:36]  Loading plugin: bcrypt-samp.dll
[19:53:36]   plugin.bcrypt v2.2.3 was loaded.
[19:53:36]   plugin.bcrypt: 8 cores detected, 7 threads will be used.
[19:53:36]   Loaded.
[19:53:36]  Loading plugin: sampvoice.dll
[19:53:36] [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initializing...
[19:53:36] [dbg:raknet:init] : module initializing...
[19:53:36] [dbg:raknet:init] : module initialized
[19:53:36] [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initialized
[19:53:36] [sv:dbg:main:Load] : creating 8 work threads...
[19:53:36]  -------------------------------------------    
[19:53:36]    ___                __   __    _              
[19:53:36]   / __| __ _ _ __  _ _\ \ / /__ (_) __ ___    
[19:53:36]   \__ \/ _` | '  \| '_ \   / _ \| |/ _/ -_)
[19:53:36]   |___/\__,_|_|_|_| .__/\_/\___/|_|\__\___|
[19:53:36]                   |_|                           
[19:53:36]  -------------------------------------------    
[19:53:36]            SampVoice by MOR loaded              
[19:53:36]  -------------------------------------------    
[19:53:36]   Loaded.
[19:53:36]  Loading plugin: nativechecker.dll
[19:53:36]   Loaded.
[19:53:36]  Loaded 12 plugins.

[19:53:36] Filterscripts
[19:53:36] ---------------
[19:53:36]   Loading filterscript 'android-check.amx'...
[19:53:52] Loaded collision data.
[19:53:52] [sv:dbg:main:AmxLoad] : net game pointer (value:02419D70) received
[19:53:52] [sv:dbg:network:bind] : voice server running on port 64908
[19:53:52] Android check has been successfully loaded.
[19:53:52]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_map.amx'...
[19:53:52]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_main.amx'...
[19:53:52]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_store.amx'...
[19:53:52]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_dealership.amx'...
[19:53:52]   Loading filterscript 'xwar.amx'...
[19:53:52]   Loading filterscript 'npc_record.amx'...
[19:53:52]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_npc.amx'...
[19:53:52] [npc:join] TrainDriverLS has joined the server (998:
[19:53:52] [npc:join] TrainDriverSF has joined the server (997:
[19:53:52] [npc:join] TrainDriverLV has joined the server (996:
[19:53:52] [npc:join] PilotLS has joined the server (995:
[19:53:52] [npc:join] PilotSF has joined the server (994:
[19:53:52] [npc:join] PilotLV has joined the server (993:
[19:53:52] [npc:join] BusDriverLS has joined the server (992:
[19:53:52] [npc:join] BusDriverLV has joined the server (991:
[19:53:52] Train Driver LS [998]
[19:53:52] Train Driver SF [997]
[19:53:52] Train Driver LV [996]
[19:53:52] Pilot LS [995]
[19:53:52] Pilot SF [994]
[19:53:52] Pilot LV [993]
[19:53:52] Bus Driver LS [992]
[19:53:52] Bus Driver SF [991]
[19:53:52]   Loaded 8 filterscripts.

[19:53:52] *** Streamer Plugin: The plugin version (0x295) is older than the include file version (0x296) for this script. The plugin might need to be updated to the latest version.
[19:53:52] MapFix by Nexius v4.3.3 loaded (include version).
[19:53:52] --------------------------------------
[19:53:52]  Anticheat Nex-AC loaded!
[19:53:52]  Anticheat version: 1.9.62
[19:53:52]  Author: Nexius
[19:53:52] --------------------------------------

[19:53:52] [LoadAntiCheat] Loading data from database...
[19:53:52] Loading Map.
[19:53:53] Loaded Map.                             
[19:53:53] Atlantic RP
[19:53:53] 148 objects loaded.
[19:53:53] Number of vehicle models: 7
[19:53:53] [Script] 18 atms loaded
[19:53:53] [Script] 3 houses loaded.
[19:53:53] [Script] 3 garages loaded.
[19:53:53] [Script] 19 Public Garage loaded
[19:53:53] [Script] 3 Petrol Station loaded
[19:53:53] [Script] 16 Oils loaded
[19:53:53] [Script] 23 businesses loaded.
[19:53:53] [Script] 37 entrances loaded.
[19:53:53] [Script] 24 factions loaded.
[19:53:53] [Script] 0 lands loaded.
[19:53:53] [Script] 13 gangs loaded.
[19:53:53] [Script] 4 points loaded.
[19:53:53] [Script] 4 turfs loaded.
[19:53:53] [ANTICHEAT]: Anti-cheat settings loaded successfully (loaded: 53). Time: 0 ??.
[19:53:53] [Server] Atlantic City Server loaded Successfully
[19:53:53] [Owner] Prince of India
[19:53:53] [Developer] Karthi Genius
[19:53:53] [Exclusive Mapper] RioFTW


200 Already Found a Issue and They have used Timer to Fix...,

Is it the only way to fix it by...? @ziggi

ziggi commented 10 months ago

No reason to duplicate the issue

AtlanticCityRoleplay commented 10 months ago

No reason to duplicate the issue

Sry for that, i had a doubt regards that.

First Time Using FCNPC


While loading windows version, its showing newer version of plug-in available in 2.0.6 release


Kindly update the Wiki

native FCNPC_ShowInTabListForPlayer(npcid, forplayerid);
native FCNPC_HideInTabListForPlayer(npcid, forplayerid);

No info regards these natives

ziggi commented 10 months ago

While loading windows version, its showing newer version of plug-in available in 2.0.6 release

Update to 2.0.7.

Kindly update the Wiki

The project is not actively developed it's under the maintenance, you can update it by yourself if you want.

AtlanticCityRoleplay commented 10 months ago

While loading windows version, its showing newer version of plug-in available in 2.0.6 release

Update to 2.0.7.

Kindly update the Wiki

The project is not actively developed it's under the maintenance, you can update it by yourself if you want.

Thanks for the Reply