ziginfo / Midas-MR-Chataigne-Module

Nn module Chataigne pour Midas MR et Behringer X-Air consoles
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Informations of FX return channel are missing #3

Open Ohs69 opened 3 months ago

Ohs69 commented 3 months ago

First at all, thanks for your great job ! I can (at last) monitor my XR18 with my maschine MK2 device Unfortunately, information about FX return are missing. I can get informations as names, faders, but no informations about mute, pan, Gate.

And I'm not strong enough to code it. (I must admit I don't understand how the getChild function works...

ziginfo commented 3 months ago

Hello Ohs69 and thanks for your comment.... I think I can easily add those features for you to the module; it probably will takes some days as I am pretty busy at the moment... I'll have a look on it and we'll stay in touch... :) chers and friendly greetings

ziginfo commented 3 months ago

and I just had a look into it... when you said : "but no informations about mute, pan, Gate." first of all : FX-Returns do not have any Gate (unless I am wrong and maybe have overseen something ??) second : all available information for FX-Returns are available via "Selected Channel" !! including information for Pan, Mute, Color, Name and the whole EQ-Settings information !! -> did you see that ?? friendly greetings

Ohs69 commented 3 months ago


Yes, you're right, there's no gate, neither compressor on FX-returns (and Aux too). In fact, as I can find channels, bus and Main in the "Channels" containers, I thought FX returns (and aux) were there too...

I checked the "Selected" channel, and yes, every I need seems to be here ! Thanks ! (By the way, I think the "invert" checkbox (And the fader value), doesn't seem synchronized with the mixer, but maybe I missed something...)

ziginfo commented 3 months ago

Hello Ohs69 and thanks for your comment... once again did you REALLY test the features ?? ... you said :
"" I think the "invert" checkbox (And the fader value), doesn't seem synchronized with the mixer,"" I just tested this !! and beside the fact that FX-Returns do NOT have a INVERT function, the "invert-checkbox" shows up correctly in Chataigne for all channels that have the features "invert" I also tested the "fader-feedback" and it works correctly and synchronized for ALL channels in chataigne !

concerning the "Selected Channel" you may have seen (or overseen ???) that there is a button called "click to sync" and this button does what it says : it synchronizes Chataigne (manually) with the mixer settings after changing the "selected channel" and in ANY WAY : any change on the console is reflected in Chataigne (even without manual "SYNC") ... but in the case of "selected channel" it shows just the "selected channel" (as it is named and not ALL channels) cheers and friendly greetings

test the "features" this way (to be sure they work) : select for example FX-Return1; press "Click to Reset Value Fields" make any desired change on the console on the channel "FX-Return1" see what happens in Chataigne... or other test : just press "Click to Sync" and see what happens in Chataigne.... if there is something that is NOT working please let me know

Ohs69 commented 3 months ago

Ok, my mistake... I didn't all explain what I mean. (And what I expected to do...) The test I did : Test #1 : Select Channel 5 in "selected Channel", then click on "Click Sync" : every is OK in Chataigne. Test #2 Where I move the fader in the "Main LR bus" (OSC value /ch/05/mix/fader) value changes in "selected channel" It's OK. my mistake was moving the fader of the channel in the mixbus (OSC value /ch/05/mix/01/level). this last feature (unfortunatley) doesn't not exist in your model... Test #3 : I change the color on the input from "blue" to "blue-inv" : nothing changes in "selected channel" (The Invert box remains unchecked) but when I go in the Channels container the colorInvert box is checked, and the color value has been set to Blue-Inv. It's the same thing for the mixbuses and th MainLR bus. I can't verify for the FX-Send and FX-return, as they doesn't not exit in the channels containers. Anyway this color trouble doesn't really matter. What is missing (my wishlist ;-) ) is a containers like "faders" but filled with the values of the fader in the mixbus (/ch/xx/mix/nn/level).

Thanks for the job you did ! NB: I will be off for one week+,


ziginfo commented 2 months ago

Hello here are some quick answers.... we can get it touch again when you are back (and if you want to...) thanks for your comments and I fully understand what your talking about... for Test#3 : a bit my fault, because there is confusion with the terme "invert" (I will change this !!) in the selected channel setup "invert" means "invert polarity" (and not inverted color); while in the different channel-taps we have InvertColor and it does the job well (could not see any issue or bug !).... so I have to clear this up... and may add a color-invert checkbox in the Selected-Channel.... thanks for having mentioned it

now for the send-to-mixbusses (and some other missing features); I don't think that I will add "send-to-mixbus" features; because this would mean to add some 180 more items (6 Aux-busses and 4 FX-Sends for 18 channels) which is a lot and means also 180 more Datas for every request... in fact for remoting XR or MR consoles we generally use Mixingstation or MR-Edit etc; Chataigne is NOT a remote-app for Mixing-Consoles but just a sort of Main-Conductor that allows to "inter-connect" different software and hardware and mapp actions... so if you wanna just remote the XR/MR Consoles with your NI-Machine than use rather Mixingstation (which has a marvelous and absolutely astonishing MIDI-implementation... if you use Chataigne to mapp various triggers one versus another (for example trigger lights or video out of your MR-Console) than the question is if you really need these Send-to-Bus feedbacks for your jobs.... ...but in any way I will think about and maybe find a simple way to implement it... cheers and friendly greetings from France...