Open zxubian opened 2 years ago
Just ran into this - seems like a significant footgun.
I'm not sure why a packed struct would need padding at the end if that struct has a bit length divisible by 8.
For now, I'm using the following function to get the desired behavior:
fn readPackedStruct(reader: anytype, comptime T: type) !T {
comptime {
if (@typeInfo(T).Struct.layout != .Packed) @compileError("readPackedStruct: " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " is not a packed struct!");
if (@bitSizeOf(T) % 8 != 0) @compileError("readPackedStruct: " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " has a non-byte-aligned length!");
var buffer: [@bitSizeOf(T) / 8]u8 = undefined;
try reader.readNoEof(&buffer);
return @ptrCast(*align(1) T, &buffer).*;
I'm using this as a workaround:
const bytes = try reader.readBytesNoEof(@divExact(@bitSizeOf(T), 8));
var result: T= undefined;
@memcpy(std.mem.asBytes(&result), bytes[0..], @divExact(@bitSizeOf(T), 8));
imo Reader.readStruct
shouldn't be in the stdlib. there's too many variables wrt to padding and endianness that it should be left to the user
e a significant footgun.
I have the same issue
test "Hello @Sizeof" {
const s1 = packed struct {
a: u32,
b: u16,
const s2 = packed struct {
a: u8,
b: u16,
print("sizeof : s1:{d}, s2:{d}\n", .{ @sizeOf(s1), @sizeOf(s2) });
try std.testing.expect(@sizeOf(s1) == @sizeOf(u32) + @sizeOf(u16));
try std.testing.expect(@sizeOf(s2) == @sizeOf(u8) + @sizeOf(u16));
// @sizeof... sizeof : s1:8, s2:4
Documentation says on packed structs "There is no padding between fields."
has not been updated since before packed structs became integer backed, the assertion should be changed to explicitly check for .Extern
i recently hit this footgun pretty hard (ethernet headers), are we still interested in making this change? I am happy to submit a PR.
I assume this change would be considered "breaking"?
Zig Version
0.9.1 (windows, chocolatey),0.10.0-dev.4166+cae76d829
Steps to Reproduce
const PackedStruct = packed struct { a: u48, b: u48, c: u16, };
test "reading a packed struct" { const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("repro.zig", .{}); const reader = file.reader(); _ = try reader.readStruct(PackedStruct); const pos_from_readingstruct = try reader.context.getPos(); try reader.context.seekTo(0); = try reader.readBytesNoEof(@bitSizeOf(PackedStruct) / 8); const pos_from_reading_bytes = try reader.context.getPos(); std.log.warn("{}, {}", .{ pos_from_reading_struct, pos_from_reading_bytes }); try expect(pos_from_reading_struct == pos_from_reading_bytes); }