Closed jowi-dev closed 2 years ago
Was Following RayTracing in one Weekend using Zig, when I encountered a bug that I couldn't figure out. With the code structured as
while (j > 0) : (j = -1) { while (i < IMAGE_WIDTH) : (i += 1) { const r: f16 = @intToFloat(f16, i) / @intToFloat(f16, (IMAGE_WIDTH - 1)); const g: f16 = @intToFloat(f16, j) / @intToFloat(f16, (IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1)); const b: f16 = 0.25; const ir: u16 = @floatToInt(u16, (255.999 * r)); const ig: u16 = @floatToInt(u16, (255.999 * g)); const ib: u16 = @floatToInt(u16, (255.999 * b)); try print("{} {} {}\n", .{ ir, ig, ib }); std.debug.print("i value: {}\n", .{i}); } std.debug.print("j value: {}\n", .{j}); }
The debug output will be (shortened): i 0..255 j 255..0
Note that when the inner while loop is nested in a function call it works fine. Included working code sample as well:
pub fn main() anyerror!void { const stdout =; const print = stdout.print; const IMAGE_HEIGHT: u16 = 256; const IMAGE_WIDTH: u16 = 256; try print("P3\n{} {}\n255\n", .{ IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT }); var j: u16 = IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1; while (j > 0) { try parseRGB(j, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT); std.debug.print("j value: {}\n", .{j}); j = j - 1; } } // Be sure to add a type after the parenthesis and before the { fn parseRGB(j: u16, IMAGE_WIDTH: u16, IMAGE_HEIGHT: u16) !void { const stdout =; const print = stdout.print; var i: u16 = 0; while (i < IMAGE_WIDTH) : (i += 1) { const r: f16 = @intToFloat(f16, i) / @intToFloat(f16, (IMAGE_WIDTH - 1)); const g: f16 = @intToFloat(f16, j) / @intToFloat(f16, (IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1)); const b: f16 = 0.25; const ir: u16 = @floatToInt(u16, (255.999 * r)); const ig: u16 = @floatToInt(u16, (255.999 * g)); const ib: u16 = @floatToInt(u16, (255.999 * b)); std.debug.print("i value: {}\n", .{i}); try print("{} {} {}\n", .{ ir, ig, ib }); } }
The debug output would be i value 0..255 j value 255 i value 0..255 j value 254 i value 0..255 j value 253 .... etc
And then the program will exit
Edit for those who do the same - it matters where you initialize that inner variable :joy:
Zig Version
Steps to Reproduce
Was Following RayTracing in one Weekend using Zig, when I encountered a bug that I couldn't figure out. With the code structured as
The debug output will be (shortened): i 0..255 j 255..0
Note that when the inner while loop is nested in a function call it works fine. Included working code sample as well:
Expected Behavior
The debug output would be i value 0..255 j value 255 i value 0..255 j value 254 i value 0..255 j value 253 .... etc
Actual Behavior
The debug output will be (shortened): i 0..255 j 255..0
And then the program will exit