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Use Case: compiling Windows Services? #17730

Open expikr opened 11 months ago

expikr commented 11 months ago

A general discussion thread about Windows Services.

All the documentations I could find online for writing Windows Services are in C++ rather than plain C, so I'm not sure how well they could be translated to Zig, especially the visual studio-specific part of setting up the registration:


It would be nice if we could collaboratively whip up a minimal working example further showcasing the toolchain's versatility

Edit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3582179

weskoerber commented 2 weeks ago

I wrote a post on my website demonstrating a basic Windows service in Zig, maybe you'll find it useful:


Click to show example ```zig const service_name = "My Awesome Service"; pub fn main() void { const service_table = [_]win32.system.services.SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYA{ .{ .lpServiceName = @constCast(service_name.ptr), .lpServiceProc = serviceMain, }, .{ .lpServiceName = null, .lpServiceProc = null }, }; if (win32.system.services.StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA(&service_table[0]) > 0) { // error } } pub fn serviceMain(argc: u32, argv: ?*?[*:0]const u8) callconv(std.os.windows.WINAPI) void { _ = argc; _ = argv; var service_data = ServiceData{}; const status_handle = win32.system.services.RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExA(service_name.ptr, serviceControl, &service_data); if (status_handle == 0) { // error return; } const stop_event = win32.system.threading.CreateEventA(null, 0, 1, null); if (stop_event == null) { // error return; } service_data.handle = status_handle; service_data.stop_event = stop_event; service_data.status.dwCurrentState = .RUNNING; service_data.status.dwControlsAccepted = win32.system.services.SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP | win32.system.services.SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN; if (win32.system.services.SetServiceStatus(service_data.handle, &service_data.status) == 0) { // error } if (win32.system.threading.WaitForSingleObject(service_data.stop_event, win32.system.windows_programming.INFINITE) != 0) { // error return; } service_data.status.dwCurrentState = .STOPPED; if (win32.system.services.SetServiceStatus(service_data.handle, &service_data.status) != 0) { // error } } pub fn serviceControl( code: u32, event_type: u32, event_data: ?*anyopaque, context: ?*anyopaque, ) callconv(std.os.windows.WINAPI) u32 { _ = event_type; _ = event_data; var service_data: *ServiceData = @alignCast(@ptrCast(context.?)); const err: win32.foundation.WIN32_ERROR = switch (code) { win32.system.services.SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, win32.system.services.SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN => blk: { service_data.status.dwCurrentState = .STOP_PENDING; if (win32.system.services.SetServiceStatus(service_data.handle, &service_data.status) == 0) { // error } if (win32.system.threading.SetEvent(service_data.stop_event) == 0) { // error } break :blk .NO_ERROR; }, win32.system.services.SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE => .NO_ERROR, else => .ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, }; return @intFromEnum(err); } const std = @import("std"); const win32 = @import("win32"); const ServiceData = struct { handle: isize = -1, status: win32.system.services.SERVICE_STATUS = .{ .dwServiceType = win32.system.services.SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, .dwCurrentState = .START_PENDING, .dwControlsAccepted = 0, .dwWin32ExitCode = 0, .dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0, .dwCheckPoint = 0, .dwWaitHint = 0, }, stop_event: ?*anyopaque = null, }; ```