zigpy / zha-device-handlers

ZHA device handlers bridge the functionality gap created when manufacturers deviate from the ZCL specification, handling deviations and exceptions by parsing custom messages to and from Zigbee devices.
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] quirk present, but does not make any changes for TS0601 garage #2952

Open Santanachia opened 5 months ago

Santanachia commented 5 months ago

Bug description

in spite of uploading ts0601_garage.py no sensor appears, nor is there anything when I want to create an automation

Steps to reproduce

  1. upload file ts0601_garage.py into /config/custom_zha_quirks directory
  2. add
    enable_quirks: true
    custom_quirks_path: /config/custom_zha_quirks

    to configuratoion.yaml

  3. restart home assistant
  4. add new device

Expected behavior

the button for opening the gate should appear


Screenshots/Video ![image](https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/assets/4628507/43b1527a-9d6c-4bb4-a14d-87ff3d565c62) ![image](https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/assets/4628507/48766136-fd82-4363-b177-7707046c3802)

Device signature

Device signature ```json { "node_descriptor": "NodeDescriptor(logical_type=, complex_descriptor_available=0, user_descriptor_available=0, reserved=0, aps_flags=0, frequency_band=, mac_capability_flags=, manufacturer_code=4417, maximum_buffer_size=66, maximum_incoming_transfer_size=66, server_mask=10752, maximum_outgoing_transfer_size=66, descriptor_capability_field=, *allocate_address=True, *is_alternate_pan_coordinator=False, *is_coordinator=False, *is_end_device=False, *is_full_function_device=True, *is_mains_powered=True, *is_receiver_on_when_idle=True, *is_router=True, *is_security_capable=False)", "endpoints": { "1": { "profile_id": "0x0104", "device_type": "0x0100", "input_clusters": [ "0x0000", "0x0004", "0x0005", "0xef00" ], "output_clusters": [ "0x000a", "0x0019" ] }, "242": { "profile_id": "0xa1e0", "device_type": "0x0061", "input_clusters": [], "output_clusters": [ "0x0021" ] } }, "manufacturer": "_TZE200_nklqjk62", "model": "TS0601", "class": "ts0601_garage.TuyaGarageSwitchTO" } ```

Diagnostic information

Diagnostic information ```json { "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2024.1.5", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.11.6", "docker": true, "arch": "aarch64", "timezone": "Europe/Warsaw", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.1.63-haos-raspi", "supervisor": "2023.12.1", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 11.4", "docker_version": "24.0.7", "chassis": "embedded", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "solaredge_modbus": { "version": "1.11.1", "requirements": [ "pymodbus==3.5.4" ] }, "weatherdotcom": { "version": "1.1.3", "requirements": [] }, "hacs": { "version": "1.34.0", "requirements": [ "aiogithubapi>=22.10.1" ] }, "husqvarna_automower": { "version": "2024.1.0", "requirements": [ "aioautomower==2023.8.1", "numpy>=1.21.6", "Pillow>=9.1.1", "Shapely>=1.8.2" ] }, "localtuya": { "version": "5.2.1", "requirements": [] }, "upnp_availability": { "version": "0.0.3", "requirements": [ "async_upnp_client>=0.33" ] }, "waste_collection_schedule": { "version": "1.45.1", "requirements": [ "icalendar", "recurring_ical_events", "icalevents", "beautifulsoup4", "lxml" ] }, "sonoff": { "version": "3.5.4", "requirements": [ "pycryptodome>=3.6.6" ] }, "tuya": { "version": "0.0.1", "requirements": [ "tuya-iot-py-sdk==0.6.6" ] }, "miio_yeelink": { "version": "0.1.13", "requirements": [ "construct>=2.10.56", "python-miio>=0.5.6" ] }, "watchman": { "version": "0.5.1", "requirements": [ "prettytable==3.0.0" ] }, "zha_toolkit": { "version": "v1.1.8", "requirements": [ "pytz" ] }, "var": { "version": "0.15.0", "requirements": [] }, "pgnig_gas_sensor": { "version": "2.3.0", "requirements": [] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "zha", "name": "Zigbee Home Automation", "after_dependencies": [ "onboarding", "usb" ], "codeowners": [ "@dmulcahey", "@adminiuga", "@puddly", "@TheJulianJES" ], "config_flow": true, "dependencies": [ "file_upload" ], "documentation": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha", "iot_class": "local_polling", "loggers": [ "aiosqlite", "bellows", "crccheck", "pure_pcapy3", "zhaquirks", "zigpy", "zigpy_deconz", "zigpy_xbee", "zigpy_zigate", "zigpy_znp", "universal_silabs_flasher" ], "requirements": [ "bellows==0.37.6", "pyserial==3.5", "pyserial-asyncio==0.6", "zha-quirks==0.0.109", "zigpy-deconz==0.22.4", "zigpy==0.60.6", "zigpy-xbee==0.20.1", "zigpy-zigate==0.12.0", "zigpy-znp==0.12.1", "universal-silabs-flasher==0.0.15", "pyserial-asyncio-fast==0.11" ], "usb": [ { "vid": "10C4", "pid": "EA60", "description": "*2652*", "known_devices": [ "slae.sh cc2652rb stick" ] }, { "vid": "1A86", "pid": "55D4", "description": "*sonoff*plus*", "known_devices": [ "sonoff zigbee dongle plus v2" ] }, { "vid": "10C4", "pid": "EA60", "description": "*sonoff*plus*", "known_devices": [ "sonoff zigbee dongle plus" ] }, { "vid": "10C4", "pid": "EA60", "description": "*tubeszb*", "known_devices": [ "TubesZB Coordinator" ] }, { "vid": "1A86", "pid": "7523", "description": "*tubeszb*", "known_devices": [ "TubesZB Coordinator" ] }, { "vid": "1A86", "pid": "7523", "description": "*zigstar*", "known_devices": [ "ZigStar Coordinators" ] }, { "vid": "1CF1", "pid": "0030", "description": "*conbee*", "known_devices": [ "Conbee II" ] }, { "vid": "0403", "pid": "6015", "description": "*conbee*", "known_devices": [ "Conbee III" ] }, { "vid": "10C4", "pid": "8A2A", "description": "*zigbee*", "known_devices": [ "Nortek HUSBZB-1" ] }, { "vid": "0403", "pid": "6015", "description": "*zigate*", "known_devices": [ "ZiGate+" ] }, { "vid": "10C4", "pid": "EA60", "description": "*zigate*", "known_devices": [ "ZiGate" ] }, { "vid": "10C4", "pid": "8B34", "description": "*bv 2010/10*", "known_devices": [ "Bitron Video AV2010/10" ] } ], "zeroconf": [ { "type": "_esphomelib._tcp.local.", "name": "tube*" }, { "type": "_zigate-zigbee-gateway._tcp.local.", "name": "*zigate*" }, { "type": "_zigstar_gw._tcp.local.", "name": "*zigstar*" }, { "type": "_uzg-01._tcp.local.", "name": "uzg-01*" }, { "type": "_slzb-06._tcp.local.", "name": "slzb-06*" } ], "is_built_in": true }, "data": { "ieee": "**REDACTED**", "nwk": 44157, "manufacturer": "_TZE200_nklqjk62", "model": "TS0601", "name": "_TZE200_nklqjk62 TS0601", "quirk_applied": true, "quirk_class": "ts0601_garage.TuyaGarageSwitchTO", "quirk_id": null, "manufacturer_code": 4417, "power_source": "Mains", "lqi": 255, "rssi": -79, "last_seen": "2024-01-30T13:02:57", "available": true, "device_type": "Router", "signature": { "node_descriptor": "NodeDescriptor(logical_type=, complex_descriptor_available=0, user_descriptor_available=0, reserved=0, aps_flags=0, frequency_band=, mac_capability_flags=, manufacturer_code=4417, maximum_buffer_size=66, maximum_incoming_transfer_size=66, server_mask=10752, maximum_outgoing_transfer_size=66, descriptor_capability_field=, *allocate_address=True, *is_alternate_pan_coordinator=False, *is_coordinator=False, *is_end_device=False, *is_full_function_device=True, *is_mains_powered=True, *is_receiver_on_when_idle=True, *is_router=True, *is_security_capable=False)", "endpoints": { "1": { "profile_id": "0x0104", "device_type": "0x0100", "input_clusters": [ "0x0000", "0x0004", "0x0005", "0xef00" ], "output_clusters": [ "0x000a", "0x0019" ] }, "242": { "profile_id": "0xa1e0", "device_type": "0x0061", "input_clusters": [], "output_clusters": [ "0x0021" ] } }, "manufacturer": "_TZE200_nklqjk62", "model": "TS0601" }, "active_coordinator": false, "entities": [], "neighbors": [ { "device_type": "Router", "rx_on_when_idle": "On", "relationship": "Parent", "extended_pan_id": "**REDACTED**", "ieee": "**REDACTED**", "nwk": "0xC371", "permit_joining": "Unknown", "depth": "2", "lqi": "78" }, { "device_type": "Coordinator", "rx_on_when_idle": "On", "relationship": "Sibling", "extended_pan_id": "**REDACTED**", "ieee": "**REDACTED**", "nwk": "0x0000", "permit_joining": "Unknown", "depth": "0", "lqi": "39" }, { "device_type": "Router", "rx_on_when_idle": "On", "relationship": "Child", "extended_pan_id": "**REDACTED**", "ieee": "**REDACTED**", "nwk": "0xE5B6", "permit_joining": "Unknown", "depth": "4", "lqi": "88" } ], "routes": [], "endpoint_names": [ { "name": "ON_OFF_LIGHT" }, { "name": "PROXY_BASIC" } ], "user_given_name": "Brama Gara\u017cowa", "device_reg_id": "5928d489f014277c444eff98d5289f68", "area_id": "garaz", "cluster_details": { "1": { "device_type": { "name": "ON_OFF_LIGHT", "id": 256 }, "profile_id": 260, "in_clusters": { "0x0000": { "endpoint_attribute": "basic", "attributes": { "0x0001": { "attribute_name": "app_version", "value": 70 } }, "unsupported_attributes": {} }, "0x0004": { "endpoint_attribute": "groups", "attributes": {}, "unsupported_attributes": {} }, "0x0005": { "endpoint_attribute": "scenes", "attributes": {}, "unsupported_attributes": {} }, "0xef00": { "endpoint_attribute": "tuya_manufacturer_garage", "attributes": { "0xef03": { "attribute_name": "contact_sensor", "value": 0 }, "0xef0b": { "attribute_name": "dp_11", "value": 0 }, "0xef0c": { "attribute_name": "dp_12", "value": 2 }, "0xef02": { "attribute_name": "dp_2", "value": 0 }, "0xef04": { "attribute_name": "dp_4", "value": 10 }, "0xef05": { "attribute_name": "dp_5", "value": 3600 }, "0xef00": { "attribute_name": "mcu_version", "value": "1.0.0" } }, "unsupported_attributes": {} } }, "out_clusters": { "0x000a": { "endpoint_attribute": "time", "attributes": {}, "unsupported_attributes": {} }, "0x0019": { "endpoint_attribute": "ota", "attributes": {}, "unsupported_attributes": {} } } }, "242": { "device_type": { "name": "PROXY_BASIC", "id": 97 }, "profile_id": 41440, "in_clusters": {}, "out_clusters": { "0x0021": { "endpoint_attribute": "green_power", "attributes": {}, "unsupported_attributes": {} } } } } } } ```


No response

Additional information

custom quirk from @hallenmaia (https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/1260#issuecomment-1721027671) works fine - shows switch to open/close the door, shows sensor for current status (opened/closed)

mfdlr commented 4 months ago

I had the same problem of no entities being detected.

As I was continously updating the ts0601_garage.py file I missed two things.