ziirish / OctoPrint-TuyaSmartplug

Tuya Smartplug plugin for OctoPrint
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useCountdownRules doesn't work #17

Closed yuri83git closed 3 years ago

yuri83git commented 3 years ago

if i insert a timer (ex 30s) the plug doesn't shut down.

To fix the bug, i had to modify __init___.py:

line 133: chk = self.sendCommand('countdown', plug['label'], int(plug['countdownOnDelay'])) line 157: chk = self.sendCommand('countdown', plug['label'], int(plug['countdownOffDelay']))

yuri83git commented 3 years ago

here some debug before my mod, look the print "arg 6" -> 6 is my value for countdown timer: [2020-08-06 10:25:54,391] DEBUG: Sending command: countdown to plug, args 6 [2020-08-06 10:25:55,001] DEBUG: Status: {u'devId': u'xxxx', u'dps': {u'1': True, u'2': 0}}

and this is after my mod, 32 is my new time: [2020-08-06 10:43:28,611] DEBUG: Sending command: countdown to plug, args 32 [2020-08-06 10:43:29,204] DEBUG: Status: {u'devId': u'01200474600194928bf1', u'dps': {u'1': True, u'2': 32}}

ziirish commented 3 years ago


Thanks for the report and patch. I will include it in the next release.

Deses commented 3 years ago

I can confirm this fix working in the 3.0 version.