ziirish / OctoPrint-TuyaSmartplug

Tuya Smartplug plugin for OctoPrint
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Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) #56

Open MrGhostDK opened 12 months ago

MrGhostDK commented 12 months ago

Hello. I get this error when I try to run control my smart plug: Anyone who might be able to help or know what is wrong? I am using Protocol 3.3

[2023-07-13 19:29:40,856] DEBUG: Checking status of 1111. [2023-07-13 19:29:40,857] DEBUG: Sending command: info to 1111 [2023-07-13 19:29:40,872] DEBUG: Something went wrong while running the command Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)