the validation script support a lot of validations, but not all of them have a language contant already. I've listed the validation options below:
required (not blank): _FOR_ADVICE_MANDATORY
validate-number (a valid number): _FOR_ADVICE_NUMBER
validate-digits (digits only): _FOR_ADVICE_NUMBER
validate-alpha (letters only): ??
validate-alphanum (only letters and numbers): ??
validate-date (a valid date value): _FOR_ADVICE_DATE
validate-email (a valid email address): _FOR_ADVICE_EMAIL
validate-url (a valid URL): _FOR_ADVICE_URL
validate-date-au (a date formatted as; dd/mm/yyyy): _FOR_ADVICE_DATE
(I've made a remark about a date-eu in the google group dexagogo) and a suggestion on how to make it btw).
validate-currency-dollar (a valid dollar value): ??
validate-selection (first option e.g. 'Select one...' is not selected option): ??
validate-one-required (At least one textbox/radio element must be selected in a group - see below*): ??
Change History
comment:1 Changed 16 months ago by espaan
Most of these are already solved #63 with the new example form. And of course the above is still using the defines instead of gettext.
the validation script support a lot of validations, but not all of them have a language contant already. I've listed the validation options below: required (not blank): _FOR_ADVICE_MANDATORY validate-number (a valid number): _FOR_ADVICE_NUMBER validate-digits (digits only): _FOR_ADVICE_NUMBER validate-alpha (letters only): ?? validate-alphanum (only letters and numbers): ?? validate-date (a valid date value): _FOR_ADVICE_DATE validate-email (a valid email address): _FOR_ADVICE_EMAIL validate-url (a valid URL): _FOR_ADVICE_URL validate-date-au (a date formatted as; dd/mm/yyyy): _FOR_ADVICE_DATE (I've made a remark about a date-eu in the google group dexagogo) and a suggestion on how to make it btw). validate-currency-dollar (a valid dollar value): ?? validate-selection (first option e.g. 'Select one...' is not selected option): ?? validate-one-required (At least one textbox/radio element must be selected in a group - see below*): ?? Change History comment:1 Changed 16 months ago by espaan
Most of these are already solved #63 with the new example form. And of course the above is still using the defines instead of gettext.