zikula-modules / Formicula

A template-driven form mailer for Zikula
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Bug: datepicker + short url + captcha #42

Closed heikovetter closed 8 years ago

heikovetter commented 12 years ago

Hi guys,

I found a bug in template nr. 4 (3_userform.html)

In this template there is a datepicker. In combination with short urls there is a problem.

If you answer the captcha once wrong, by the next try the system will tell you that your answer is wrong, even if it is right.

You only can send the form, if you reload the page and fill out all again.

The combination is: datepicker + short url + you answer the captcha once wrong.

best regards,


espaan commented 12 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Keep in mind BTW that the templates are only examples, so not tested in every circumstance. There is a system for restoring the form submits for a wrong captcha submit, that does seem not to work with the datepicker then.

Guite commented 8 years ago

This is fixed as part of #64. Since the forms are now handled by Symfony forms, the url structure is different now.