zikula-modules / Formicula

A template-driven form mailer for Zikula
19 stars 7 forks source link

removed obsolet js incluedes in templates and few minor fixes #51

Closed drummer3333 closed 11 years ago

drummer3333 commented 11 years ago


espaan commented 11 years ago

I see that also file modes have changed from 644 to 755, the php files should be 644 and not 755, so maybe you can put those back and do another push to your branch ?

espaan commented 11 years ago

And THANKS :+1: of course. It's been a while that people submitted to Formicula

drummer3333 commented 11 years ago

The templates with this js include are used in production at guide, I only updated the guide version to the current master version. So the include should work. I'll change the filemodes tomorrow. (I configured git to ignore filemodes, don't know why this is in here ...)