Closed Portugao closed 6 years ago
at modules/zikula/formicula-module/Resources/views/Form/0/userConfirm.html.twig:60 at Twig_Template->getContext(array('modVars' => array('defaultForm' => 0, 'showCompany' => true, 'showPhone' => true, 'showUrl' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showComment' => true, 'showFileAttachment' => false, 'uploadDirectory' => 'web/uploads', 'deleteUploadedFiles' => true, 'sendConfirmationToUser' => true, 'defaultAdminFormat' => 'html', 'defaultUserFormat' => 'html', 'showUserFormat' => true, 'useContactsAsSender' => true, 'enableSpamCheck' => true, 'excludeSpamCheck' => '', 'storeSubmissionData' => false, 'storeSubmissionDataForms' => ''), 'contact' => object(ContactEntity), 'userData' => array('name' => 'Mike', 'emailAddress' => '', 'company' => null, 'phone' => null, 'url' => null, 'location' => null, 'comment' => 'test', 'uname' => 'webmaster'), 'customFields' => array(), 'sentToUser' => true, 'domain' => 'zikulaformiculamodule', 'app' => object(AppVariable), 'pagevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'themevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'currentUser' => object(CurrentUserApi), 'localeApi' => array('language_direction' => 'auto')), 'userFormat') (var/cache/dev/twig/ab/ab2de7cbdee0c802990081869dd7cdf4505a17ab4df7efa9cfd6b36cc6815066.php:176) at __TwigTemplate_903368b183a969933061564b05d9e3f2348153fa05c6ae6a18ce461851ffdb0f->doDisplay(array('modVars' => array('defaultForm' => 0, 'showCompany' => true, 'showPhone' => true, 'showUrl' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showComment' => true, 'showFileAttachment' => false, 'uploadDirectory' => 'web/uploads', 'deleteUploadedFiles' => true, 'sendConfirmationToUser' => true, 'defaultAdminFormat' => 'html', 'defaultUserFormat' => 'html', 'showUserFormat' => true, 'useContactsAsSender' => true, 'enableSpamCheck' => true, 'excludeSpamCheck' => '', 'storeSubmissionData' => false, 'storeSubmissionDataForms' => ''), 'contact' => object(ContactEntity), 'userData' => array('name' => 'Mike', 'emailAddress' => '', 'company' => null, 'phone' => null, 'url' => null, 'location' => null, 'comment' => 'test', 'uname' => 'webmaster'), 'customFields' => array(), 'sentToUser' => true, 'domain' => 'zikulaformiculamodule', 'app' => object(AppVariable), 'pagevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'themevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'currentUser' => object(CurrentUserApi), 'localeApi' => array('language_direction' => 'auto')), array()) (vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Template.php:432) at Twig_Template->displayWithErrorHandling(array('modVars' => array('defaultForm' => 0, 'showCompany' => true, 'showPhone' => true, 'showUrl' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showComment' => true, 'showFileAttachment' => false, 'uploadDirectory' => 'web/uploads', 'deleteUploadedFiles' => true, 'sendConfirmationToUser' => true, 'defaultAdminFormat' => 'html', 'defaultUserFormat' => 'html', 'showUserFormat' => true, 'useContactsAsSender' => true, 'enableSpamCheck' => true, 'excludeSpamCheck' => '', 'storeSubmissionData' => false, 'storeSubmissionDataForms' => ''), 'contact' => object(ContactEntity), 'userData' => array('name' => 'Mike', 'emailAddress' => '', 'company' => null, 'phone' => null, 'url' => null, 'location' => null, 'comment' => 'test', 'uname' => 'webmaster'), 'customFields' => array(), 'sentToUser' => true, 'domain' => 'zikulaformiculamodule', 'app' => object(AppVariable), 'pagevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'themevars' => object(ParameterBag), 'currentUser' => object(CurrentUserApi), 'localeApi' => array('language_direction' => 'auto')), array()) (vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Template.php:403) at Twig_Template->display(array('modVars' => array('defaultForm' => 0, 'showCompany' => true, 'showPhone' => true, 'showUrl' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showComment' => true, 'showFileAttachment' => false, 'uploadDirectory' => 'web/uploads', 'deleteUploadedFiles' => true, 'sendConfirmationToUser' => true, 'defaultAdminFormat' => 'html', 'defaultUserFormat' => 'html', 'showUserFormat' => true, 'useContactsAsSender' => true, 'enableSpamCheck' => true, 'excludeSpamCheck' => '', 'storeSubmissionData' => false, 'storeSubmissionDataForms' => ''), 'contact' => object(ContactEntity), 'userData' => array('name' => 'Mike', 'emailAddress' => '', 'company' => null, 'phone' => null, 'url' => null, 'location' => null, 'comment' => 'test', 'uname' => 'webmaster'), 'customFields' => array(), 'sentToUser' => true, 'domain' => 'zikulaformiculamodule')) (vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Template.php:411) at Twig_Template->render(array('modVars' => array('defaultForm' => 0, 'showCompany' => true, 'showPhone' => true, 'showUrl' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showComment' => true, 'showFileAttachment' => false, 'uploadDirectory' => 'web/uploads', 'deleteUploadedFiles' => true, 'sendConfirmationToUser' => true, 'defaultAdminFormat' => 'html', 'defaultUserFormat' => 'html', 'showUserFormat' => true, 'useContactsAsSender' => true, 'enableSpamCheck' => true, 'excludeSpamCheck' => '', 'storeSubmissionData' => false, 'storeSubmissionDataForms' => ''), 'contact' => object(ContactEntity), 'userData' => array('name' => 'Mike', 'emailAddress' => '', 'company' => null, 'phone' => null, 'url' => null, 'location' => null, 'comment' => 'test', 'uname' => 'webmaster'), 'customFields' => array(), 'sentToUser' => true, 'domain' => 'zikulaformiculamodule')) (system/ThemeModule/Bridge/Twig/EventEnabledTwigEngine.php:49) at Zikula\ThemeModule\Bridge\Twig\EventEnabledTwigEngine->render('@ZikulaFormiculaModule/Form/0/userConfirm.html.twig', array('modVars' => array('defaultForm' => 0, 'showCompany' => true, 'showPhone' => true, 'showUrl' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showComment' => true, 'showFileAttachment' => false, 'uploadDirectory' => 'web/uploads', 'deleteUploadedFiles' => true, 'sendConfirmationToUser' => true, 'defaultAdminFormat' => 'html', 'defaultUserFormat' => 'html', 'showUserFormat' => true, 'useContactsAsSender' => true, 'enableSpamCheck' => true, 'excludeSpamCheck' => '', 'storeSubmissionData' => false, 'storeSubmissionDataForms' => ''), 'contact' => object(ContactEntity), 'userData' => array('name' => 'Mike', 'emailAddress' => '', 'company' => null, 'phone' => null, 'url' => null, 'location' => null, 'comment' => 'test', 'uname' => 'webmaster'), 'customFields' => array(), 'sentToUser' => true, 'domain' => 'zikulaformiculamodule')) (vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Controller/ControllerTrait.php:284) at Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller->render('@ZikulaFormiculaModule/Form/0/userConfirm.html.twig', array('modVars' => array('defaultForm' => 0, 'showCompany' => true, 'showPhone' => true, 'showUrl' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showComment' => true, 'showFileAttachment' => false, 'uploadDirectory' => 'web/uploads', 'deleteUploadedFiles' => true, 'sendConfirmationToUser' => true, 'defaultAdminFormat' => 'html', 'defaultUserFormat' => 'html', 'showUserFormat' => true, 'useContactsAsSender' => true, 'enableSpamCheck' => true, 'excludeSpamCheck' => '', 'storeSubmissionData' => false, 'storeSubmissionDataForms' => ''), 'contact' => object(ContactEntity), 'userData' => array('name' => 'Mike', 'emailAddress' => '', 'company' => null, 'phone' => null, 'url' => null, 'location' => null, 'comment' => 'test', 'uname' => 'webmaster'), 'customFields' => array(), 'sentToUser' => true, 'domain' => 'zikulaformiculamodule'), null) (lib/Zikula/Core/Controller/AbstractController.php:96) at Zikula\Core\Controller\AbstractController->render('@ZikulaFormiculaModule/Form/0/userConfirm.html.twig', array('modVars' => array('defaultForm' => 0, 'showCompany' => true, 'showPhone' => true, 'showUrl' => true, 'showLocation' => true, 'showComment' => true, 'showFileAttachment' => false, 'uploadDirectory' => 'web/uploads', 'deleteUploadedFiles' => true, 'sendConfirmationToUser' => true, 'defaultAdminFormat' => 'html', 'defaultUserFormat' => 'html', 'showUserFormat' => true, 'useContactsAsSender' => true, 'enableSpamCheck' => true, 'excludeSpamCheck' => '', 'storeSubmissionData' => false, 'storeSubmissionDataForms' => ''), 'contact' => object(ContactEntity), 'userData' => array('name' => 'Mike', 'emailAddress' => '', 'company' => null, 'phone' => null, 'url' => null, 'location' => null, 'comment' => 'test', 'uname' => 'webmaster'), 'customFields' => array(), 'sentToUser' => true, 'domain' => 'zikulaformiculamodule')) (modules/zikula/formicula-module/Controller/UserController.php:272) at Zikula\FormiculaModule\Controller\UserController->indexAction(object(Request)) (vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php:151) at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1) (vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php:68) at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, true) (vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php:200) at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Request)) (index.php:18)```
If I try to send the form, I get the error. Zik 2.0.11, Php 7.1, Master branch
@Portugao please check and confirm whether this solution works for you.
Works fine. Thx, Axel.