zikula-modules / Reviews

Reviews System Module
2 stars 1 forks source link

Upgrade from Reviews 2.4 fails #35

Closed rmaiwald closed 9 years ago

rmaiwald commented 9 years ago

I tested Reviews 2.5.0 with Zikula 1.3.9 to upgrade from Zikula 1.2.10. Upgrading from Reviews 2.4 fails with error message "An error was encountered while dropping the tables for the Reviews extension.".

The Installer function upgrade() correctly renames the database table reviews (upgrade 2.4 to 2.4.1). But the following DoctrineHelper::updateSchema() fails (see also zikula-modules/Weblinks issue #36). I am not familiar enough with the Zikula object modell to find the reasons.

Can anyone help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance Reiner

Portugao commented 9 years ago

I will see.

Portugao commented 9 years ago

Is there an old module installed with a longblob field? Which php version?

Portugao commented 9 years ago

Did you try to upgrade to 2.4.1 and then to 2.5.0?

rmaiwald commented 9 years ago

I use PHP 5.5.15 (XAMPP 1.8.3). And I have searched for tables with blob columns and found one: mediashare_mediadb.

After deleting this table the upgrade from Reviews 2.4 to 2.5.0 was fine, exept the last step. Deleting the table reviews results in the error message "reviews does not point to a valid table definition" (DBUtil::droptable(), line 3670). I dropped it manually.

Portugao commented 9 years ago

So i close this. Feel free to reopen.