zilliztech / VectorDBBench

A Benchmark Tool for VectorDB
MIT License
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Running benchmark through CLI only (No GUI) #318

Open anrahman4 opened 2 months ago

anrahman4 commented 2 months ago


Is there anyway to run these tests through CLI only and not through the streamlit app? I want to do automation where I also am able to automate the testing via bash scripts, while also running other programs in line to track system level metrics.

Is there a way to pass the right parameters to the python main.py in such a way that it does it entirely through command line?

alwayslove2013 commented 1 month ago

Good idea, we will support it.

greenhal commented 1 month ago

We have a working cli for vectordbbench and plan on submitting a pull request by next week.

alwayslove2013 commented 1 month ago

@greenhal welcome!

sandszhouSZ commented 1 month ago

So, how things going on?

greenhal commented 1 month ago

Testing it internally now, should have the pr ready early next week, FYI, The cli has been built using https://palletsprojects.com/p/click/

greenhal commented 1 month ago


alwayslove2013 commented 1 month ago


anrahman4 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for this! This will help testing automation a ton!

anrahman4 commented 3 weeks ago

Can we please update the README for the GitHub page that describes how to run the benchmarking through the newly established CLI?

greenhal commented 3 weeks ago

The CLI PR is still pending review. The README.md was updated as part of the cr, see: README.md